Sunday, November 17, 2013

Religion: The Order of Silent Reflection:

The Order of Silent Reflection is an odd order to those outside of it, taking a vow of silence and poverty outside the walls of their temples, yet always looking for new knowledge and understanding, and their patron higher powered being is Atim.  As a result, they always work for their food and keep when traveling, writing or communicating through other methods, but never speaking.  While outside of their temples, they wear full cloaks, hoods, thick veils, padding and other means to keep their members as anonymous as possible, trying to offer little attention to specific members that might otherwise distract them from their pursuit of knowledge.  This is not to say that they have a vow of chastity, that they cannot marry within or outside the Order, but that it is to be minimized, and that it is preferred that a member who finds a mate would also try to indoctrinate them if they are from outside the order, and that they would either maintain their vows to the order or choose to leave its temples until they are able to resume them.  While members of the Order of Silent Reflection are rarely out of their outfits outside of the temples, within them in areas that only members may access they discuss many things in the comfort of less concealing garb.

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