Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Religion: The Order of the Golden Lute:

Chabelle's followers are mostly musicians, and their devotion is rarely more than wanting to improve their skills or to hear her play.  However, there are more dedicated followers, and the most secretive is The Order of the Golden Lute.  While the musicians in it may not play the lute as their primary instrument, they all have a golden lute they carry with them as a symbol of their devotion to her, and all receive training from each other to better play their primary instrument and others so as to better appreciate music as a whole.  The golden lutes they carry are sometimes lost or stolen, but the order has vows to recover them once they locate them.  Some outsiders have been found to have them, or other items of power belonging to the order, and they have always been brought back through one means or another.  The most famous of which was the felinae fiddler Charlene Danya who bested the incubus Seva Nann in a musical contest and then spent two years convincing her opponent to join the order, and later married.

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