Monday, November 25, 2013

Religion: The Order of the Ruby Butterfly:

The Order of the Ruby Butterfly is the most famous group that serves Fuldor.  Each of its many temples has a ruby butterfly affixed above Fuldor's altar, with a bowl filled with seeds to either side of the altar.  Each temple has multiple basement levels, some for the worshipers, some for securing sacred items, some for the trials of initiation, and the lowermost holding an erratic but powerful artifact created for each temple, called the Wheels of Change.  The Wheels of Change reaches out to sense any genetic samples on the floor and store their information on its circle's circumferences.  When someone is bound to the center wheel and it is spun, then the various circles move independently and land on different entries, metamorphosing the participant to take on the traits it ends up on.  The members of The Order of the Ruby Butterfly will use The Wheels of Change once upon their initiation completion and once every season if they so desire.

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