Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Phoenix Society:

Throughout history sentient species have sought ways to extend their lifespan, to prolong the final taste of death, and to make a lasting impact on the world around them through their offspring and their legacy if unable.  Some species are longer lived than others, and half-breeds sometimes have a lifespan between that of their parents, or shorter than either, or rarely longer than both.  However, through natural means alone, most species do still die from old age, in addition to other means.  There are a few individuals who through a boon or curse from a higher power or through mutation or accident have had longer lives than expected, but these are spoken of more in tales than conversations occurring with said individuals directly.  However, there has for several centuries been a cabal that seeks to guide events so as to perpetually keep their coffers stocked as they seek true immortality and invulnerability, having already found several methods that have greatly extended their lifespans.  The Phoenix Society puts its inductees through a hell of trials for a year before approving membership before finally allowing them a sample of one of their life-extending treasures, and even then each member must work to find more methods and objects capable of bringing them closer to their goal.  Most of the members of The Phoenix Society care nothing for the world around them, save that their treasured methods and objects are saved alongside their personal pleasures and distractions.  Hidden away in the homes of their members may be remnants of their past, as well as hints to their membership, though they are spread far and wide, meeting once per equinox.  They always seek to improve their lives, even if it means burning everything they have to ashes so as to be reborn with a new perspective, as its first members did long ago before naming their society after the legendary bird that they have taken as their symbol.

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