Thursday, November 7, 2013

Materials: Bokeno, Harglesplerk Crystals, Jilcuskon, Vennerkun,

The Crystal Slumber of Feluk is a realm filled with valuable minerals and the dangers of coming too close to the humming crystals, but some still try to harvest valuable materials most are unaware of: Bokeno, Harglesplerk Crystals, Jilcuskon, and Vennerkun:

Bokeno is the remnants of the Bodel eggs if they do not hatch, withering and shrinking in size the older they get.  The Bodels put these failed eggs into caverns which slowly break them down into more minerals for the humming crystals that people slumber in, trying to accelerate the growth process toward another egg.  If the egg is only a few weeks old it is still hard, and highly valued.  One fresh Bokeno has 6 EP, 3 Toughness, weighs 9 lbs, and when its surface is removed without dissolving it, the gooey center may be extracted.  While the outer shell will not break down further without the center, making it good for decoration or use in crafting items, the true value is in the goo.  The Bodel's do not have fetuses, instead having a crystal see in the center of the goo, and this is a key ingredient in temporal machines.  The goo itself, however, when mixed with an equal portion of sugar and animal fat, produces an anti-aging cream that removes 10 years of wrinkles per pound, not reversing aging internally, but adding +6 Beauty to any who use it.

Harglesplerk Crystals are a type of crystal that only grows in total darkness, named after its Gitwerg discoverer with an unfortunate rite-of-passage last name meaning "lucky-stumbling-bastard" due to his barely passing the test due to his poor navigation and balance skills but still finding his hidden challenge statuette after falling down a hole onto another individual returning from their own rite-of-passage.  Harglesplerk Crystals were found under similar circumstances in Feluk, each pound producing a 15 physical and 10 fire damage explosion when exposed to more than dim light for more than a minute.  Each cubic inch of Harglesplerk Crystal has 4 EP, 17 Toughness, and weighs 1/8th lbs.  Feluk's caverns are rich with Harglesplerk deep in the dark, but so are other dangers.

Jilcuskon is a type of rock found in Feluk that anchors the humming crystals used by the Bodels, as well as sometimes lining walls where Vennerkun rocks are found.  It absorbs vibrations and electricity to become more dense, but as a result becomes less tough, and leaks out the vibrations slowly over time.  Each cubic inch of Jilcuskon devoid of absorbed vibrations and electricity has 5 EP, 9 Toughness, and weighs 1/32th lbs.  Absorbing 3 vibration or 3 electricity damage increases its EP by 2, reducing its Toughness by 1/4th Toughness, and increasing its weight by 1/128th lbs each time.  If one deals damage to it faster than it absorbs it will shatter, and once a day it will reduce by 2 EP if it is not receiving vibrations or electricity during that time.

Vennerkun is a type of rock found in Feluk that absorbs pressure, trapping it as a faint glimmer in the crystal flecks running through it.  When electricity is applied to one end of Vennerkun, the entire rock vibrates in any direction opposite the electrical leads until it has released its contained pressure.  If one runs electricity into it for too long they risk shattering it, but applying pressure to it again will give a bit more vibration to use before it shatters.  One cubic inch of Vennerun has 52 EP, 1 Toughness, weighs 1/10th lbs, absorbs 3 pressure damage per EP, and withstands 1 electrical damage per EP.  As a result, it is highly valued by miners when put into focused machines to ensure it directs only in one convex direction.

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