Saturday, November 9, 2013

Materials: Bobh-Bon Crystals, Ilkarji Silk, Tioneb Goo, and White Matter:

To say that the High Ordered Beings' prison realm known as The White Void is mostly empty blindingly white space is an understatement.  Still, even it is not devoid of materials of value, if you will pardon the pun.  True, the dangers are high with the prisoners there, but several things draw others to raid and harvest it for profit or experimentation needing specific materials.  The most desired materials are Bobh-Bon Crystals, Ilkarji Silk, Tioneb Goo, and White Matter:

Bobh-Bon Crystals are a delicacy, edible crystals with 4 Sweet and 1 Carb sustenance, given either as gifts from Bobh to visitors to his home in The White Void, or sometimes found in modest containers scattered through that realm for no reason that any mortal can understand, but many wonder if perhaps they are refused gifts to the High Ordered Beings to try to keep them from feeding on each other or travelers.  Seeing as they are never seen eating one, that seems unlikely, but others counter that perhaps the High Ordered Beings also consume the containers themselves, leaving no trace.  Regardless, the treats also may store up to 75 EP in each one, and eating a depleted one still grants full FP and +5 FP beyond the character or creature's maximum, once per day.  Consuming more seems to have no effect to FP though some swear through sugar hallucinations to have seen Bobh's visage smirking and wagging an index finger in amused admonishment at the attempt.  Experiments have been made to try to verify this, but the results have always been inconclusive.  Each cubic inch is one treat, having 1 EP, 1 Toughness, and weighing 1/230th lbs.

Ilkarji Silk is made by the Octahedron Higher Ordered Beings to wrap around captured larger creatures until it crystallizes them before consumption or laying their young depending on the season.  It is so named after Ilkarji Gokar, a Felinae explorer who first managed to retrieve some and bring it back to the main realm within known history.  It is extremely sticky and stretches without breaking until heated to 60 MaL degrees, when it becomes dry, stretching barely, and extraordinarily sharp.  It is frequently used in assassin gear, suspension structure building, or machinery needing precision cuts due to how thin and sharp that it is.  Each cubic inch spools out to make a 16 foot strand that has 75 EP, 19 Toughness, weighs 1/1800th lbs and is barely visible unless light glimmers directly on it.

Tioneb Goo is the extracted center of a Fractaldactyl egg, first found by the human Tioneb Troblednam found within his time adventuring when he was trapped with the creatures of The White Void before retiring to become a mathematician.  For nearly a year he studied the creatures and survived by eating some of the Fractaldactyl eggs which left him with a scent that made the parent terrors leave him alone for a few days each time and left him feeling full enough for the period of time until it wore off.  Tioneb Goo was named after him as he managed to bring a few of the eggs back with him when he was finally rescued, and studied its composition, finding that despite being unable to hatch while unfertilized, the goo in the eggs would dissolve most materials, save more of the goo, arsenic, copper, and glass.  One cubic inch has 1 EP, 1 Toughness, weighs 1/40th lbs, and is capable of providing 1 HP, and the following sustenance: 4 Protien, 4 Carbs, 3 Umami, 1 Fatty, 1 Liquid, 1 Soft, 1 Sweet, 1 Salty, 1 Cold, and 1 Pure.

White Matter is a strange wisp so soft most move through it without noticing it.  This material comprises most of the White Void, its structure always displacing as things move through it, not causing any sensory data to analyze except a feeling of weightlessness and a light warmth.  White Matter if scooped up by most materials will just shift out of the way, but a bit of temporal mechanics or magic to create a bubble of frozen time will allow one to trap some and take it with them out of The White Void, though High Ordered Beings will quickly move toward that spot if within fifty miles of it.  Outside of The White Void, White Matter maintains a spherical shape, and may be altered and used to create a pocket dimension home once reinserted into The White Void, for use in temporal machines, to create a dimensional bag's pocket dimension, as part of a weapon against High Chaotic Beings, or if attacked with enough chaotic force will create an explosion of 12 frost and 12 fire damage in radius of 25 squares aside from the 2 square radius per cubic inch of White Matter, which has 40 EP, 1 Toughness, and weighs 1/90000th lbs each.

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