Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Religion: The Cult of Electric Vanity:

Followers of Byn are typically those in the cosmetic and fashion industries, as well as those who are exceedingly vain.  There is, however, an even darker undercurrent, a cult of devoted followers that seek to elevate themselves to perfection, and to either fix or remove those who are less perfect than them.  The Cult of Electric Vanity trades focus and more in exchange for lasting beauty, power and influence.  Members of this cult typically have an open eye with lightning in its pupil tattooed somewhere on their body, with some even going so far as to tattoo it in a blatantly obvious place so as to show their loyalty.  They flaunt their bodies in a manner that borders on impropriety, yet keep a retinue on hand of lesser members to guard them from those that may not only be jealous but violent, or as the case often is, to sic them on someone else that does not seem impressed by their beauty.

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