Monday, November 18, 2013

Religion: The Fraternity of the Fop:

Bobh is fairly relaxed about his followers unless they meddle too much with causing dangerous fluctuations in wild magic and dimensional travel flow, but one of the stranger orders that gives him focus is one of his most popular and least recognizable.  The Fraternity of the Fop is obsessed with keeping on top of and guiding the fashions of the realms, choosing per region to all wear the same type of shades and hat combination with minor variance, as well as a small pin or necklace that has a hat wearing shades on it to let other members recognize them.  In addition, they try to always keep additional benefits at their jobs for individuals not of their order who seem to start following their fashion who have an interest in wild magic or travel.  Membership initiation has many pranks and specific travel needed, but overall it is much more relaxed than many other religions, unless they receive word from senior members that a specific individual or group needs to be delayed or prevented from traveling to another realm or diverted to a different location in it or different realm, or that a specific individual or group needs to be either prevented or encouraged to pull wild magic from a certain area.  The highest members of the order are said to communicate with Bobh directly on a regular basis, and other members may find him in disguise partaking in their many efforts for the thrill of it.

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