Friday, November 1, 2013

Materials: Kukoju Metal, Rojihal Metal, Wudgan Marble, and Xhunfo Sand:

The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer are rife with danger and mystery, ancient treasures buried and lost in the harsh sands.  Some of these, and the techniques to make them, have been recovered and sold in secrecy.  The most valued of these discovered thus far are Kukoju Metal, Rojihal Metal, Wudgan Marble, and Xhunfo Sand:

Kukoju Metal is a deep reddish gold, shining as it catches light, soft and conductive to electricity.  Each cubic inch of Kukoju Metal has 2 EP, 2 Toughness, 1/400th lbs, and when worn or held grants +1 HP per eight hours even if no other healing actions are taken.

Rojihal Metal is faintly pink, but blades made of it are highly feared by thieves in Jhaneer, as its secret was well guarded for centuries, used solely for royal bodyguards and the highest ranking official police.  Each cubic inch of Rojihal Metal has 8 EP, 6 Toughness, 1/3000th lbs, and glows brighter and hotter for each life taken by it, trapping the remaining focus a body had in it when the spirit departed the body.  As a result, Rojihal Metal releases this trapped focus as an extra 1 damage to EP for every 2 FP it retains, or it may be used by those that can use Foci Magic in order to put it to greater potential.

Wudgan Marble is a deep blue, green-veined stone that outputs a calming field of +1 Charisma per cubic foot, maintaining per cubic inch 3 EP, 2 Toughness, 1/250th lbs, and self-repairs +1 EP per two hours without damage to it.  It is frequently used in palaces where the ruler wants visitors to feel more at ease, as well as in the most secure of stone prisons to help keep walls repairing themselves.

Xhunfo Sand is a type of black sand that is magnetic and drawn to large quantities of metal, as well as being highly toxic.  Xhunfo Sandstorms rarely happen, but if the sand isn't close enough to maintain its attraction to the metal it is near it will tear through many materials with 2 damage per minute in the sandstorm.  Additionally, while it has only 1 EP, 1 toughness and 1/1000th lbs per cubic inch, it may also be used in temporal machines, as melting the Xhunfo sand into glass will show 1 century in the past per inch thickness if looking through a convex surface, and 1 century in the future per inch thickness if looking through a concave surface.

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