Monday, October 21, 2013

Abilities: Low-Level Nimble Touch Abilities:

Some players love to throw around spells or fisticuffs in order to win combat sessions, while others prefer more strategic and quieter approaches.  Those latter individuals, especially if they are using the bardic, rogue or tinkerer pre-built classes, should consider picking a few low-level nimble touch abilities

Blinded Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Sight):  The user of this ability feels the item they are about to use and despite other factors, such as eyesight impairments, they are able to perform the crafting, repair, lock-picking, trap-disarming or performing abilities associated for the next 4 turns as if unimpaired.  Prerequisites: Concealer Trait, Inventive Hands Trait, Fix-It Trait, Performer Techniques Knowledge III, Crafting Techniques Knowledge III, Repair Techniques Knowledge III, or Stealth Techniques Knowledge II.

Concealing Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Stealth): The user of this ability touches an item and conceals it with sleight of hand with a +3 Stealth Bonus for three turns or fifteen minutes.  Prerequisites: Concealer Trait, Stage Magician Trait or Stealth Techniques Knowledge II.

Distracting Touch  (1 FP/2 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(2 FIN/10 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Movement):  The user of this ability takes expert skill and planning to touch a creature, character, item or themselves so that 3 turns later the touched being or item has a -5 Stealth penalty for that turn, drawing attention to it and away from someone or something else.  Prerequisites: Concealer Trait, Stage Magician Trait or Stealth Techniques Knowledge III.

Golden Touch (1 FP/2 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(3 FIN/15 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Wealth, Experience):  The user of this ability focuses their next attempt at gaining funds by using their skilled hands whilst performing, thieving, haggling, or other means to gain an extra 20% bonus to funds if available or 10% bonus to RXP if unavailable, if action that follows is successful.  Prerequisites: Concealer Trait, Hustler Trait, Inventive Hands Trait, Fix-It Trait, Performer Techniques Knowledge III, Repair Techniques Knowledge III or Stealth Techniques Knowledge II.

Intimidating Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(2 FIN/10 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Emotion):  The user of this ability takes the subtle clues they read in others and plays with them through subtle touches to gain +3 Intimidation on the character for 2 turns per use.  Prerequisites: Hustler Trait, Interrogator Trait, Performer Techniques Knowledge V, Intimidation Techniques II or Stealth Techniques Knowledge IV.

Load-Lightener Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Movement):  The user of this ability stabilizes their body to distribute weight being lifted in order to keep silent and gain both +1 STR for 3 turns, and +2 Stealth on for 3 turns.  Prerequisites: Brutish Strength Trait, Concealer Trait, Underestimated Trait or Stealth Techniques Knowledge III.

Magic-Fingers Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Movement):  The user of this ability touches an item or group of tiny or smaller items and works them rapidly with +4 FIN precision on the next turn, being quite useful for expert repairs, gambling skill and cheats, unlocking items, or other uses that require a fast, quiet and precise hand.  Prerequisites: Concealer Trait, Hustler Trait, Inventive Hands Trait, Fix-It Trait, Craft Techniques Knowledge III, Repair Techniques Knowledge IV, or Stealth Techniques Knowledge III.

Memorable Touch (1 FP/2 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(3 FIN/15 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Quality):  The user of this ability touches a piece intended to have aesthetic value immediately before working it, gaining a 1d4 chance of 1) No improvement beyond what is normally resulting, 2-3) 1 Level Quality improvement, or 4) 2 Levels Quality improvement.  This increase in quality typically will gain an according increase in sale value as a result.  Prerequisites: Inventive Hands Trait, Performer Techniques Knowledge III, or Crafting Techniques Knowledge II.

Precision Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(2 FIN/10 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Movement):  The user of this ability gets a feel for their tools or instruments before performing a task with them, gaining +3 FIN for 3 turns per use.  Prerequisites: Concealer Trait, Hustler Trait, Inventive Hands Trait, Fix-It Trait, Performer Techniques Knowledge II, Crafting Techniques Knowledge IV, Repair Techniques Knowledge IV, or Stealth Techniques Knowledge III.

Silent Touch (1 FP/2 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(3 FIN/15 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Sound):  The user of this ability presses their own body in a way to focus their hearing and concentration to move silently, doing their next movement and ability with +10 Stealth.  Prerequisites: Concealer Trait, Hustler Trait, Performer Techniques Knowledge IV, Repair Techniques Knowledge V, or Stealth Techniques Knowledge II.

Testing Touch (1 FP/2 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(2 FIN/10 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Strength):  The user of this ability tests an item or material for its endurance and toughness with subtle actions to ensure it will get the job done, increasing repair by 15% and reducing quality variance in purchased or stolen items by 20% when able.  Prerequisites: Hustler Trait, Fix-It Trait, Performer Techniques Knowledge V, Repair Techniques Knowledge II or Stealth Techniques Knowledge IV.

Trusting Touch (1 FP/2 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(3 FIN/15 FIN)(Physical/1 Range/Touch, Emotion):  The user of this ability makes subtle touches on a creature, character, item or themselves to gain +4 Charisma for 2 turns on any visible targets in range.  Prerequisites: Concealer Trait, Hustler Trait, Inventive Hands Trait, Fix-It Trait, Performer Techniques Knowledge III, Repair Techniques Knowledge II, or Stealth Techniques Knowledge IV.

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