Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Shifting Sands of Jahneer:

The realm of Jahneer is mostly dry, hot desert, sand shifting across the ruins of many civilizations.  Here and there remain remnants, oasis and underground cities that struggle to survive the elements, as well as avoiding the trickery of the oldest of the land's denizens: The Derejin, elemental beings of vast power tied to the winds and the sands, living primarily atop high mountains and in hidden valleys.  For despite their powers they are physically almost insubstantial, and take centuries to mature mentally and thus may fall prey to enslavement if captured.  As a result, some have taken to viciously attacking any other species that comes near to prevent this fate, while others have resorted to sly twists of wording in order to weasel out of servitude.  Some say they are the first race in the realm of Jahneer and that the ruins were mostly their own past civilizations before other species invaded and learned their weaknesses, while others claim that the derejin tore down the ancient civilizations as a result of the enslavement forced upon them being uplifted by a slow rebellion turned violent...

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