Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Materials: Darkholm Metal, Novana Crystals, Starrelle Metal, and Warpstone:

The Starry Oceans of Quantil exhibit fluctuations of gravity, fusion, fission and radiation in such extremes as to baffle even most astronomers and cosmologists, as well as cause some brave souls to traverse its waves and plunge its depths for what it may hold, some of which has already come to the primary realm in small quantities that still dazzled the masses that saw them.  In addition to the mundane items that were still of great value such as diamonds and the like, there were also four materials that most under-reported due to their rarity and power: Darkholm Metal, Novana Crystals, Starrelle Metal, and Warpstone.

Darkholm Metal is extremely dense and durable for its size, 20 EP, 22 toughness, and 1/2 lbs unworked per cubic inch, making it the most dense natural material in all the realms.  It absorbs light, bending all around it and remaining pure black with no shine.  It is unknown how it came to exist in Quantil, but some have claimed to find it only in starless space.

Novana Crystals retain light and heat for centuries, needing only a little pressure to release some, though they are extremely light and durable, being 15 EP, 3 toughness, and 1/3000th lbs unworked per cubic inch.  Some use them for power generation, others simply for light and warmth, while others harness their power for weaponry.

Starrelle Metal is very shiny, drawing the attention of pixies, sprites and many other creatures easily, but despite this it is still sought after for its power.  It glows faintly in the dark if uncovered, and is extremely tough if not durable even when unworked, having 4 EP, 26 toughness, and 1/200th lbs per cubic inch.

Warpstone hums faintly, warm in the hand even when laying in cold darkness for centuries.  It holds a peculiar habit of linking to the nearest piece of warpstone of the same frequency despite dimensional travel being necessary to reach it, warping light even when unworked from one to the other to form a visible, if distorted, image of the other location.  It also is capable of teleporting materials from one to the other if light shines through it to land fully on something else.  If the creature, character or item is not fully covered by the light of it, they will be stuck in place for 1 turn and dealt 1 EP damage due to the stress of the rejected travel.  Those wishing to tune two warpstones together need only cleave the two to a similar size and then run a light through the back of each toward the other, then move the two to whatever location is desired.

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