Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Materials: Baneyelle Tree, Gretho Lichen, Oronakl Metal, and Wyrdstone:

The Endless Labyrinth of Mazek holds many mysteries, each one solved only unfolding yet another clue and another question about the realm.  While every explorer to it dreams of understanding it, not even the higher powered beings claim to have searched all of it or having a firm grasp on its purpose or meaning, save those whose lies are too myriad to even give a modicum of credence.  Still, there are materials that are highly sought after by even those who don't seek answers to its mysteries.  Chiefly, they are Baneyelle Tree, Gretho Lichen, Oronakl Metal, and Wyrdstone:

Baneyelle Tree is a type of tree that grows in Mazek on the surface, in the Undermaze, and even underground, seeming to draw nutrients and moisture not only from the soil, but also the air and rocks.  It feels warm to the touch when found near sources of heat, seeming to flourish most when within 4 squares of a source of 30 MaL degrees or more, resisting 40 fire damage with ease.  Its bark is flaky and makes for good seasoning when properly ground or shaved, and its wood center is very fibrous and useful for rope or fabrics when properly woven.  Its leaves are a pale blue with red veining and green surrounding that, and its flowers are a bright orange and white with flecks of red.  One cubic inch of Baneyelle wood has 7 EP, 2 Toughness, weighs 1/650th lbs, and if properly treated is flexible by strong.  Transplanting Baneyelle Trees is difficult due to the speed of their decay when uprooted being only 3 days to fully die and dry up.  If it is not replanted within a day and a half, the tree may not recover, let along become healthy and flowering again.

Gretho Lichen is a type of lichen that grows on some portions of Wyrdstone, being a strong moisture absorbent and yet still grows in the dryness of the maze walls, glowing in the Underdark a faint orange, and on the surface a pale blue due to the constant exposure to sunlight.  It survives frost, and fire damage up to 10 points per cubic inch, having 3 EP, 1 Toughness and weighing 1/5600th lbs.  In addition to its moisture absorbing properties and endurance to varying heat, Gretho Lichen is a strong agent used in truth serums due to its high +20 charm per dose extracted from a cubic inch, and if over-consumed or injected six does in a day, causes a sanity check.

Oronakl Metal is a type of metal found natively only in Mazek and some meteors, being the primary metal used in ancient devices located in Mazek.  Each cubic inch has 30 EP, 5 Toughness and weighs 2 lbs.  It is a superconductor of heat and electricity, being immune to any damage from it, but allowing it to be stored or transfer through it depending on what else it is alloyed or otherwise utilized with.

Wyrdstone is the material that most of the maze's stone structure seems to be made out of.  While it may have ruinous portions, especially in the Undermaze, Wyrdstone itself is extremely difficult to gather freshly.  Each cubic inch has 120 EP, 3 Toughness and weighs 4 lbs.  Once per day, wyrdstone glistens with a shimmer of green fleckling at twilight and recovers half its EP but retains its cracks and physical appearance of damage, belying its actual durability.  Due to its extreme durability those fortunate enough to find a way to transport it out of Mazek find it highly valued by those seeking to make secure room or strongholds designed to take massive punishment.  It is no easy feat, as it resists all damage equally, so none has an advantage in breaking it down for transportation.  A true mystery as none knows how to make more, only how to struggle to harvest it for use elsewhere.

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