Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Higher Powered Beings:

The universe of MaL is ever expanding, and some rare beings eventually find their way to power beyond their imagining, rising to a height that the higher powered beings of their particular galaxy take notice of, either seeking to help them become more powerful to have as an ally, or to quickly stomp them out before they become a threat.  Some say all the higher powered beings currently known walked this path in their lust for power, while others say a few were there at the beginning of the universe, and others that nothing was before the High Chaotic Beings and High Ordered Beings.  Others still whisper of encounters with those serving the High Chaotic Beings and High Ordered beings that insist that their masters fear a power that has existed before they came into being.  With how short the lives of mortals are compared to a higher powered being after its ascension, it is no wonder that history has its secrets, though one thing is known for certain: New higher powered beings do come into existence, and some either flee their galaxy for new territory or are destroyed by these newcomers or their old hated foes taking advantage of an opportunity.  Not even they are invincible.  The current higher powered beings known to the residents of Planet Lenida are listed below:

Name: Description.  [Icon: ] [Pantheons: ] [Home Realms: ] [Domains: ]

Atim: Atim is the higher powered being holding domain over both light and mind, revered by most seeking enlightenment of the mysteries of the universe, as Atim herself is known to constantly seek out more knowledge and refresh over small details long forgotten if they spark and interest once more.  She is curious, but unfortunately is known to not have much of a sense of humor, nor a strong sense of violence.  Those that do gain her ire, however, most often find themselves in blindness, or having some of their memories hard to access.  While most pantheons tolerate her, few actually invite her to participate in their business as often as the Chidinkul and Odarne Pantheons, which are said to have first raised her to her current state, though much to the chagrin of some of its members later.  Atim is thought to be chaste, never having appeared in any tales or rumors of significance to have partnered with anyone.  [Icon: An Open Book with a Star above.] [Pantheons: Chidinkul, Odarne.] [Home Realms: Mazek, Serseki.] [Domains: Learning, Light, Mind, Sight.]

The Mysterious, Enigmatic, Stupendous Bobh: Despite his long name ending with something as simple as Bobh, this higher powered being is one of the more powerful ones.  His domain is over dimensions, magic and will, and he regulates the flow of travel between the realms and the flow of wild magic between them in order to prevent a natural disaster capable of destroying the universe.  Or so he says.  No one really knows what to make of Bobh, not even the other higher powered beings, save that while they don't know where he came from or how powerful he truly is, Bobh is never attacked.  Something to do with a missing planet or two some say.  Most of the pantheons tend to leave him to his business and the amusement he has in sometimes fluctuating the travel of those going from one realm to another and the flow of wild magic for unexpected results, though Dyndar and Ves seem to appreciate his assistance in some matters.  He doesn't seem to mind the roaming of the High Ordered Beings trapped in the White Void as he made his ever-changing home there, but he assists all realms and may know some of what exists beyond them, according to legends of the few to visit his home.  While his appearance changes, he always seems to wear sunglasses and a hat of some variety or another and thus together they are his icon.  He has many followers, most of which when infuriated will say things like 'For Bobh's sake!' and so forth.  Even he, however, has been seen on a handful of occasions conferring with someone else, perhaps the same being that Ves seems to serve.  Bobh has never settled down to anyone's knowledge, though there have always been rumors of his liasons with mortals.  [Icon: Sunglasses and a Hat.] [Pantheons: All] [Home Realms: The White Void.] [Domains: Dimensions, Magic, Will.]

Byn: He or She--as Byn can change its form--is primarily concerned with the trappings of beauty and enhancing oneself without cost to it, and the fever of electricity running through one when all eyes are on them.  Byn brings a spark of something new and wonderful to those that find Byn's favor, and those that bring displeasure may find their own beauty stripped away, or their lives becoming more and more bland.  Byn lives in both The Silicon Fields and Tirae, often finding followers in each that appear beautiful and gain attention, but may be needing some improvement behind their illusions.  Byn belongs to both the Uushar pantheon and the Rukogg pantheon, aiding both as Byn sees fit.  Byn has been known to take partners from the different mortal species, but none for a prolonged period of time.  [Icon: A Mirror with Copper coiled around it.] [Pantheons: Uushar.] [Home Realms: The Silicon Fields, Tirae.] [Domains: Beauty, Electricity, Enhancement.]

Chabelle: This higher powered being is one of the most proud and encourages musicians to hone their craft for the honor of hearing her much greater skill on any instrument, though her most favored is the lute.  She lives in Jhaneer, but those that show great talent and are found by her followers are often blessed, in addition to her follower who found them.  She is married to Jandur and Saja, and makes her home in both Jhaneer and Tirae.  [Icon: A Golden Lute.] [Pantheons: Sejahle.] [Home Realms: Jhaneer, Tirae.] [Domains: Music, Pride, Sound.]

Dyndar: The Arbiter of the Odarne Pantheon is the oldest of them according to some legends, and according to some Ves is oldest, but either way, the two of them are the most feared by their compatriots.  Rightly so, for Dyndar's domains are inspiration, life and story, though beyond that, balance over the others in the pantheon.  Due to his or her power--as Dyndar is able to change forms--Dyndar is able to not only cast the deciding vote if needed in a tie of clashing opinions, but having great influence over even their lives, he could always be raising up another to take their place without their knowing it.  Some claim it has happened before when it needed to be done, and that Dyndar and Ves are the only two of the Odarne pantheon to never have died or been reborn within legend.  Dyndar grins slyly most of the time if amused, giving unusual blessings and curses as suits the arbiter's purposes.  Few directly follow Dyndar, but most at least focus a little on hoping their life will be different from how it is in some way, giving him focus to enact small changes that unfold over time.  Dyndar's greatest power is not just the abilities the arbiter has, but his or her mind, knowing how to use the least amount of energy in order to cause a chain of events as he or she desires.  If bored, Dyndar may be troublesome for the other higher powered beings, but possibly more-so for mortals, as whatever he or she does to relieve the boredom may cause significant changes to the world.  Despite the different forms that Dyndar can take, one thing is usually constant, his or her hair: a brownish-red and wild, twisting itself around into spires and curls, trenches and ridges,  mobiuses and Klien bottles, and a myriad of shapes unknown to even the most learned of Earthen scientists, mathematicians and philosophers.  His home tends to shift between the different realms, ensuring a balance is kept between the different armies of each seeking to overwhelm the others.  Dyndar has never been known to have liaisons with mortals or any higher powered being, but has flirted with some.  [Icon: A Coin with a hole in it on a Necklace.] [Pantheons: Odarne.] [Home Realms: All.] [Domains: Balance, Inspiration, Life, Story.]

Ehnkilli: The patron of thieves, Ehnkilli has dominion over currency, greed and vibration, encouraging others to gather and horde material possessions and causing earthquakes and cave-ins so that he may collect them and keep them for his own if grand enough.  He lives in Thelatos and Jhaneer in underground palaces.  What few followers he has are thieves, beggars and sometimes even those already consumed with greed despite their lofty positions.  He has had lovers across the centuries, but none that endured his attempts at courtship for long before his paranoia about losing his treasures kicked in.  [Icon: A Golden Knife with a Ruby in its hilt.] [Pantheons: Haganor.] [Home Realms: Jhaneer, Thelatos.] [Domains: Currency, Greed, Vibration.]

Fuldor: He is the higher powered being with dominion over the celestial, hardship and transformation.  He tests his followers and those he has taken an interest in, hoping to guide them subtly toward metamorphosis, transforming them from whatever they were into something greater.  He despises Lukarr for making such changes as deform and make individuals worse than they were before his meddling, but rarely has direct confrontation with him as he abhors violence, even to one so deserving as Lukarr.  He lives in Ragsendi and in Feluk, ushering those born there or used to create new life onward with reward for their effort and to protect the ones who helped most to trap the High Chaotic Beings.  Some say he is one of the oldest higher powered beings of a celestial nature despite his youthful appearance and that he returns to a youthful body every few centuries of aging, while others say that his soul merges with the one most worthy that is available when his body is ready to die out, forever improving himself rather than becoming truly immortal.  He is thought to have mortal lovers from time to time, but if he has, none have been able to identify them conclusively.  [Icon: A Bowl filled with Seeds.] [Pantheons: Chidinkul.] [Home Realms: Ragsendi] [Domains: Celestial, Hardship, Transformation.]

Guraye: He or She, for Guraye takes whatever form pleases it best for its plans, is a powerful higher powered being who has dominion over sand, sleep, and stasis.  Guraye has homes in Feluk, Jhaneer and The Somnium Bleed, though Guraye works its plans through all realms, leading those it sees fit into Feluk or The Somnium Bleed for a long sleep, or tempting some into the sands of Jhaneer or in other deserts toward giving themselves to Guraye in exchange for help.  Some say that Guraye is a mistress of Jandur, while others say that Guraye tempts Jandur's wives and other higher powered beings into sleep or stasis while stealing something of power from them.  [Icon: A Pillow with a Jar of Sand atop it.] [Pantheons: Sejahle.] [Home Realms: Feluk, Jhaneer, The Somnium Bleed.] [Domains: Sand, Sleep, Stasis.]

Hexen: This higher powered being is the well known for his illusions, residing within The Silicon Fields and Quantil primarily, moving about and stirring up strife.  His domains are envy, which he uses to drive others to choose to resist or give in, shells which are something that he collects and lives within, and taste, for though he eats little, he savors the quality of what he does eat.  He favors those that amuse him by resisting his tricks and overcoming their envy, those that work in the seas and other bodies of water, those who give his temples shells, and those with culinary skills.  He is a trickster, teasing wayward seafarers but leading them to greater riches if they play along and survive the journey, and manipulating situations so that cooks and chefs may have to serve the most unusual of customers as if they were their finest so as to see their strength of character.  He is known for flirting with married women but never doing more than that with them, as he has a wife made immortal that is not part of any pantheon because she did not gain power with her immortality.  [Icon: A Shell and Fork.] [Pantheons: Uushar.] [Home Realms: The Silicon Fields, Quantil.] [Domains: Envy, Shells, Taste.]

Inthdu: She is a slobbering mountain, an enormous higher powered being who may make herself appear smaller temporarily in order to partake in eating contest or wagers, but primarily remains in Thelatos being fed by the infernal species there lest she use her powers to affect gravity, gluttony and sloth to make their lives even more difficult than they already are.  She occasionally has suitors from the infernal species, but few last for long as they are unable to sate her appetites both culinary and carnal.  [Icon: Rotting Food in an upside-down Skull.] [Pantheons: Haganor.] [Home Realms: Thelatos.] [Domains: Gluttony, Gravity, Sloth.]

Jandur: The higher powered being holding dominion over control, exploration and sand, Jandur encourages his followers to maintain order and expand, turning their enemies' civilizations into naught but sand.  He discourages thievery with severe punishments beyond most other crimes, some say due to having something stolen from him so long ago that none can agree what it was, save that it was something he prized over all else.  If this is indeed true, it is no wonder how harsh he is on theft.  He is married to Saja and Chabelle, but lives solely in Jhaneer, though he helps other realms.  Some say he and his wives occasionally take other partners when he is around, but none have thus far proved worthy to be made immortal and remain with them forever.  He frequently is seen to argue with the other pantheons, though it seems to be more than just politics from what little people have glimpsed of the confrontations.  [Icon: A Bowl of Sand with a Dagger upright in it.] [Pantheons: Sejahle.] [Home Realms: Jhaneer.] [Domains: Control, Exploration, Sand.]

Jannae: She is one of the few higher powered beings willing to freely tell others of how she came to her rise in power if they are worthy, though most know at least that she became ascended at Serseki, but rather than choosing to prevent others from reaching her power, she helped the Hundki to ascend close to it and guard it for those that would also ascend and go to other galaxies when fully ascended.  She lives in a modest home in Serseki and Ragsendi, hoping to convince the others of her pantheon that more should be done to bring others to their level to combat the Haganor pantheon.  She has dominion over the celestial, ink and void.  She encourages others to fill the void of space and in their hearts with generosity and goodwill to others, and to fill paper with words of good cheer or warnings for those that need help most.  She is known to have a Hundki lovers, though some say she keeps encouraging them to ascend and go to other galaxies without being seen again.  [Icon: An Inkwell Candle.] [Pantheons: Chidinkul.] [Home Realms: Ragsendi, Serseki.] [Domains: Celestial, Ink, Void.]

Kaesot: He is a poetic and easily impassioned higher powered being, not one would expect for one with the domains of metal and solidity, but his temper is lightning-quick to strike when irritated, as per his other domain.  While he does have many who serve his goals, nowhere else on Planet Lenida are his followers more populous than Karnuk, a city in the Rhydarcus Continent.  There he chooses a champion to protect the city and his goals each year, empowered beyond that of his normal followers, should they prove worthy.  Some claim he has a lover in the city, chosen once a decade, though if he does, he is in disguise with them and none have stepped forward to claim to be or have been his lover.  [Icon: A Gear on a Lightning Bolt.] [Pantheon: Odarne.] [Home Realms: The Silicon Fields.] [Domains: Metal, Lightning, Solidity.]

Lukarr: He plays the gentleman but he is vile, having domain over mutation, poison and slime, which he uses to force individuals to overcome or become his addled servants.  His willing followers are few in number, but those seeking vengeance and poisoning someone with his help before giving themselves to the changes he forces onto them.  Most become fearsome, little more than animals in the case of many, but all try to eliminate any who turn down his offers.  Though he seems to be a gentleman at first, none who fall for his wiles will find a lasting relationship, as he darts from one lover to the next, always leaving them altered to suit his purposes.  Some even claim that Inthdu and Prenn were once lovers before becoming higher powered beings, though none knows for certain.  [Icon: A Slime-filled Tea-Cup.] [Pantheons: Haganor.] [Home Realms: Thelatos.] [Domains: Mutation, Poison, Slime.]

Maemyer:  This higher powered being holds control over dust, time and defense, being often prayed to on battlefields and by blacksmiths to bless armor for its intended purpose, and by those with a looming deadline they fear upcoming, such as a debt to repay or asking for more time with someone dying.  Overall, he prefers to soften blows and to protect, but the nature of his domain makes his powers only able to help his followers for so long before their mortal lives expire, unless he bargains with other higher powered beings to bless one perhaps with an ageless body without their interference.  While Maemyer does aid all realms as needed and able, he prefers to live in Feluk, where the denizens have such long lifespans and typically need so little of him that he is able to rest in peace when able.  All believe him to have had one lover, of whom he has a statue of in his home, though most surmise she must have passed away long ago for her to never be seen.  [Icon:  A Shield with a Cobweb and Dust-Covered Hourglass on it.] [Pantheons: Odarne.] [Home Realms: Feluk.] [Domains: Defense, Dust, Time.]

Munnatir: This higher powered being has dominion over the celestial, language and transfer, encouraging good works, charity, and the study of linguistics.  While his appearance is rather burly, there is intelligence in his eyes and mind, which he uses to help the less fortunate when traveling amongst them.  His followers tend to be scholars and those less fortunate who have benefited from his aid and that of his followers before they too became one.  While he travels to all the realms, he chooses to live in Ragsendi to calm some of the others there, and in Mazek, where even he studies the realm in the hopes of understanding its history.  There are rumors of Munnatir looking for a way to impress another higher powered being, no one is sure who it is, as whenever he does mumble about his plans in that regard, he never mentions her name. [Icon: An Empty Scroll.] [Pantheons: Chidinkul.] [Home Realms: Mazek, Ragsendi.] [Domains: Celestial, Language, Transfer.]

Najon: He is the higher powered being with dominion over construction, devices and joining.  He is known for his love of puzzles and while he does frequently explore Mazek, he lives in The Silicon Fields, serving all realms as he deems fit.  His followers are typically in construction or engineering jobs, but also newlyweds will sometimes ask for help with their marriage, as he uses his abilities to try to make things more than the sum of their parts.  He enjoys partaking in intimacy with individuals of different cultures or species simultaneously and setting them up so they usually remain together.  [Icon: Four joined Puzzle Pieces.] [Pantheons: Uushar.] [Home Realms: The Silicon Fields.] [Domains: Construction, Devices, Joining.]

Nysisa: A furious fighter who laughs in the face of danger, Nysisa is a higher powered being who wants nothing more than an honorable challenge.  She is revered by most berserkers, as well as most warriors that fight for the sake of the fight itself.  Those that fight without honor enrage her, making her utilize all her powers as needed to decimate or completely wipe them out as she deems fit.  Some say that she was born in the midst of war, knowing nothing else before becoming a higher powered being, which may have a ring of truth to it, though some also say that some of the oldest ruins caused by war were partially caused by her rage against injustice.  While she helps all realms, she prefers to live within The Somnium Bleed, as she can always fight wild nightmares there to keep up her edge and not worry about innocents being caught up in her battles physically as often.  Those that prove a challenge worth fighting against and yet honorable may also gain her interest as a lover for a period of time, though she rarely finds any she considers challenging enough.  [Icon: A Sword dripping Blood.] [Pantheons: Odarne.] [Home Realms: The Somnium Bleed.] [Domains: Edge, Blood, Rage.]

Oroyas: Oroyas is the definition of frigid, having domain over cold, ice, and water, she prefers to watch the residents of her lands peacefully when able, but is ruthless when they are threatened.  She primarily chooses to live in Quantil, with a moving boathouse to prevent unwanted guests arriving and bothering her.  She mostly wishes to be left alone, and to have her waters and ice pure, helping those that live in such areas to survive so that their deaths don't make her territory tainted.  Despite some comments imbeciles may say, none have given any rumors of her having a lover any credence.  It seems that none have melted the ice around her heart for a long time, if ever.  [Icon: A Frozen Sculpture of a Fish.] [Pantheons: Odarne.] [Home Realms: Quantil.] [Domains: Cold, Ice, Water.]

Prenn: The Fungal Queen's power and reach is matched only by her own jealousy of her domain and fear that spreading it faster or further may make her lose it.  She has dominion over fungus, jealousy and scale, which allows her to worm into the hearts of creatures across the realms, though she calls Thelatos home and rarely leaves her palace, instead relying on messengers, her followers and avatar forms to aid her goals across all the realms.  The few brave souls who try to be her lovers rarely stay alive a week, if even that, and she doesn't seem to mourn their deaths, as her paranoia makes her quickly assume that if they cared for her and not stealing her power they would have stayed alive.  [Icon: A Fungus-covered Cheese Wheel.] [Pantheons: Haganor.] [Home Realms: Thelatos.] [Domains: Fungus, Jealousy, Scale]

Qualo: He or She, as Qualo changes forms to suit its purposes, is the higher powered being with dominion over peace, purification and the soul.  Its followers seek enlightenment and unity with the universe, and Qualo is a complete pacifist, not doing violence to even those that displease it most, instead making them have to face what they have done with illusions and subtlety.  Qualo belongs to both the Chidinkul and Rukogg pantheons as both intend to keep nature pure, and the Chidinkul pantheon is also concerned with the well-being of the various realms' residents.  Many figures in legend have been lovers of Qualo, though always they are revealed later, as whenever Qualo does have one they are met with illusion and an assumed form instead of Qualo's natural appearance.  [Icon: An Empty Glass] [Pantheons: Chidinkul, Rukogg.] [Home Realms: Ragsendi, Tirae.] [Domains: Peace, Purification, Soul.]

Ryim: She is flighty and easily distracted, loving to see things burn and to see lava cool into rock, to see passion and strength of character.  While she is not as absent-minded as some other higher powered beings, few seek her out unless in desperate need, such as when calling on her to ask for help romantically, or for strength not to give into a situation that is testing them.  While she does not favor infernal species more than other species, she does prefer to make her home in Thelatos, as the barren wastes do make it easy for her to keep her home itself perpetually on fire, leaving it to help her followers, rather than having it in another realm that the fires may endanger her followers in such massive heat.  She has had many mortal lovers through the centuries though being with her quickly shortens one's lifespan unless immortal.  Some say she has had immortal lovers as well, though despite her passions, if heartbroken by a mortal or immortal lover leaving her one way or another she will soon be over them due to her flighty nature.  This does not, however, mean that those who cheat on her aren't punished severely.  [Icon: A Hot Coal.] [Pantheons: Odarne.] [Home Realms: Thelatos.] [Domains: Fire, Passion, Stone.]

Saja: The mysterious dancing woman, as she is often known, flits between life and dreams touching lives with inspirations and a vitality to otherwise boring existances.  She has domain over cloth, flowing movement, and air.  She mostly lives in Jhaneer and The Somnium Dream and while sometimes seen outside of them, rarely leaves the two physically.  She is married to Jandur and Chabelle.  [Icon: A Veil over a sculpted feminine Bust.] [Pantheons: Sejahle.] [Home Realms: Jhaneer, The Somnium Dream.] [Domains: Cloth, Flowing Movement, Air.]

The Shrouded One: None know much about The Shrouded one, save that he has domain over bones, death, ghosting and ruin, and what little is seen of his body under the shrouds is hideous.  No mortal has seen his face and lived and some claim he serves directly under Ves to aid in her plans.  He brings mostly pain to those that follow him, though it is far delayed from that which he brings to the enemies of his followers, hence he is still revered by many.  For some reason he never seems to stay in any realm for very long, and no mortal is certain where his home may be, just that he never seems to rest.  He belongs to the Sejahle pantheon, appearing to give them warnings carved into skulls, but never staying to speak and explain himself, and never taking part in their discussions.  No one dares speculate on the possibility of him having any lovers as it seems too horrifying to consider, and if ever there was one, no soul made record of them being together.  [Icon: A Leg Bone covered with a Shroud.] [Pantheons: Sejahle.] [Home Realms: None.] [Domains: Bone, Death, Ghosting, Ruin.]

Tarne: Tarne is a higher powered being that lives off of fear, spreading it and disease to all that succumb to his plans, feasting on the organs sacrificed to him, and making his followers immune to the diseases that they spread and even more frightful than they were.  He flirts with Inthdu and Prenn, but has no real intent of either giving up power to them or anything else for that matter, though they both occasionally have goals aligned with his.  Any other lovers he may take do not survive for long as he gives them the most potent of his diseases to spread, not making any emotional attachment to any it seems.  [Icon: A Bowl filled with fresh Organs.] [Pantheons: Haganor.] [Home Realms: Thelatos.] [Domains: Disease, Fear, Organs.]

Turosh: He is a higher powered being that has great dominion over animals, instincts and shadows.  He primarily lives in Tirae, where the more mysterious and dangerous animals still roam freely more than most other realms, though he will also help those he deems worthy in other realms.  At one time he and Unate were married, though according to some legends that was before he became a higher powered being, and according to others before she became one, as no one is certain which elevated the other before they divorced and took other lovers.  He has been married to a pixie named Ilyanna for the past two centuries, though she has refused true immortality and may not have many years left in her.  [Icon: A Silhouette of an open Carnivore Mouth.] [Pantheons: Odarne, Rukogg.] [Home Realms: Tirae.] [Domains: Animals, Instinct, Shadows.]

Unate: She is the iron maiden, the higher powered being with domain over logic, machines and order, her silver skin shining back what others see of themselves in her.  She seeks logic and order and the rise of technology, sometimes disguising herself to serve as a muse to those on the forefront of bringing such things to areas lacking them.  She lives primarily in The Silicon Fields and Mazek, helping individuals new to each realm subtly and in secrecy, but she does help all realms.  At one time she and Turosh were married, though according to some legends that was before she became a higher powered being, and according to others before he became one, as no one is certain which elevated the other before they divorced and took other lovers.  She is currently thought to be married due to the ring on her finger, but no one is certain who her current partner is.  [Icon: A blank Silver Cube.] [Pantheons: Uushar.] [Home Realms: Mazek, The Silicon Fields.] [Domains: Logic, Machines, Order.]

Urgendur: While she is a very nurturing higher powered being, Urgendur is also unforgiving of those that befoul the soil and air of territories she has chosen to protect.  Her domains being Soil, Plants and Wind, it is no wonder that she uses her powers to show that she still has control over them.  When she is in a good mood, she may bestow bountiful harvests, but when she is depressed the ground may harden, and when angry tornadoes may tear across the lands she claims.  Tales say she once had a lover that saddened her enough that The Southern Silence became frozen as it is today, while others say it was always that way.  Either way, she now has lovers every few decades but never stays with them long enough for them to die of old age, though some may die sooner regardless and that summer may have a much poorer harvest.  [Icon: An Unblemished Apple over a Feather.] [Pantheons: Odarne.] [Home Realms: Ragsende, Tirae, Serseki.] [Domains: Soil, Plants, Wind.]

Ves: Ves is a higher powered being with domain over death in this galaxy.  He or She--for Ves's form changes to suit that of the individuals Ves deals with--ensures that the appropriate Reaper is tied to each sentient individual, and that bargains for souls after death are upheld between the different pantheons.  While Ves is not the only higher powered being with domain over death, Ves is the most powerful regardless of very few followers that Ves has, and Ves is the only one that does not need to ally itself with another pantheon solely, moving from one to another freely as needed, and from one realm to another as well.  Some have claimed to have seen the house of Ves, and while there are conflicting stories, there are enough consistencies in the various appearances to believe Ves does indeed have one, though no one seems to know where it is.  Ves is perhaps the most powerful higher powered being according to some legends, having already taken some other higher powered beings to their final resting places so long ago none remembers their names.  However, there are also tales of those that have come back to life after an extremely long time dead that there may be someone who even Ves serves and fears...  Many have tried to court Ves, but if ever any had become Ves's lover they never lived to tell anyone.  [Icon: A Scythe with a Skull at the top of the staff the blade is within.] [Pantheons: All.] [Home Realms: All.] [Domains: Death.]

The Weeping Woman: No one is really sure what The Weeping Woman's name is, or what species she is as her form constantly changes but always remains female.  She is blindfolded, but still her tears flow forth under it, rolling down her face.  Some think that she lost something in Mazek as she is seen to walk its corridors frequently, while others think it is something else, as she lives in The White Void and is often seen talking to Bobh.  She has dominion over discipline, loss and sacrifice, rewarding those that protect the weak and give their lives or something precious to them in order to serve a better purpose.  Her followers are few, mostly those on quests for justice and those that have already lost loved ones.  She has never been rumored to have a lover, nor to make any attempt at flirting with anyone, though some stories claim that centuries ago she once mentioned someone's name with a blush and a smile before both withered away and she resumed her weeping.  [Icon: An Incomplete Circle.] [Pantheons: All.] [Home Realms: The White Void.] [Domains: Discipline, Loss, Sacrifice.]

Wenba: She is the corrupter of files and kingdoms, the patron of digital infernals and chaotic species, seeking to overwhelm The Silicon Fields and bring it all to destruction, separating individuals from each other, and decreasing them slowly into pure data with which she can attack the other realms.  What few brave souls try to become her lover tend to return broken shells of what they used to be, and unwilling to tell anyone what happened.  [Icon: A Cracked but not shattered Crystal Ball.] [Pantheons: Uushar.] [Home Realms: The Silicon Fields.] [Domains: Decreasing, Destruction, Separating.]

Xyib: Xyib chooses its form to best suit its current goals, though its long-term goal is to gain more power from the High Chaotic Beings, revering them, but cautious enough to not let any of the more powerful ones free, just working as their agent in exchange for whatever Xyib can gain in return.  Additionally, Xyib has its own followers, having dominion over chaos, flight and offense, making it an ally to those weak and in need of assistance on a battlefield or needing less boredom in their lives.  Xyib is part of the Rukogg pantheon, but keeps its dealings with the High Chaotic Beings mostly shrouded, though sometimes not beyond using weaker High Chaotic Beings openly in confrontation with the Rukogg Pantheon against their foes to show Xyib's worth and be left alone to its homes in Pral and Tirae.  Some say she has made love to the hosts of High Chaotic Beings after their infection, but no one is certain if this is because she loved who they were or her masters were in those bodies temporarily.  [Icon: A Battle-Axe with Wing engravings on the Blades.] [Pantheons: Rukogg.] [Home Realms: Pral, Tirae.] [Domains: Chaos, Flight, Offense.]

Yull: She is a huntress, the higher powered being with dominion over storing, tools and trapping, giving power to those that revere her.  Most of her followers are trappers and survivalists, though also blacksmiths, entrepreneurs and others who have need of her abilities.  She lives in Tirae in a section of the glenn that is well guarded by visible and hidden traps, preferring her privacy, but always welcoming those cunning enough to make it to her door without the use of magic to get there.  Those that bypass her traps with magic, however, often find themselves caught in a most unpleasant punishment before being sent far from her home, usually to Thelatos, Pral, or The White Void..  Despite the many stories of those who have sought to capture her heart, she remains wild and free without any stories of success thus far.  [Icon: A Cage wrapped with Locked Chains.] [Pantheons: Rukogg.] [Home Realms: Tirae.] [Domains: Storing, Tools, Trapping.]

Zhen: Zhen chooses its forms as suits it best for its current goals, having dominion over the infernal, lust and space.  Zhen encourages selfishness, increasing the distance from foes and decreasing the distance from allies, as well as the exploration and domination of everything one may encounter, sating one's lusts through whatever means necessary.  Zhen has few followers outside Thelatos, but those that do must give something to him that he desires at least once a month for anything, in return in addition to their own focus and normal favor-gathering.  Zhen has taken lovers of any who would give themselves to it and further its goals, though none have remained consorts for very long.  [Icon: A Burning Skull.] [Pantheons: Haganor.] [Home Realms: Thelatos.] [Domains: Infernal, Lust, Space.]

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