Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Hallowed Mists of Ragsendi:

While the barren wastes of Thelatos may be harsh and unforgiving to those unfit to survive there, The Hallowed Mists of Ragsendi--home realm to most of the celestial species--is a veritable land of milk and honey.  While Telatos is mostly anarchistic, Ragsendi's three primary regions are ruled by higher powered beings that reside there, occasionally disagreeing with their neighbors on their viewpoints and methodology, but essentially sharing the same comradery in tending to beings less powerful than them and nurturing civilizations.  The Bone Mountains of Ostiel are the highest peaks of the realm, reaching above the clouds and littered with the remains of primordial creatures of gigantic proportion across multiple planets and realms, gathered by its residents to serve as a reminder of using every part possible when something had died, as well as to remind that all things must one day wither away into being one with the universe.  The Clouded Steppes of Agrantis lays below Ostiel, skimming the surface and slightly under the cloud level of Ragsendi, the celestial beings there primarily seeking to have the infernal races contained like the High Ordered Beings and High Chaotic Beings have been, and to help all beings capable to ascend to help in their war.  Further below Agrantis is The Bountiful Marshes of Uadurnar, whose denizens want for nothing, save to share it with worthy others, and to protect their homelands from those that would do it harm.

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