Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Materials: Celzial Metal, Gorgust Powder, Onyew Nectar, and Sildak Metal:

The Hallowed Mists of Ragsendi are a peaceful realm for the most part, but even there materials may be found of use both in combat and outside of it that some will go to great lengths to gain.  The most desired of those are Celzial Metal, Gorgust Powder, Onyew Nectar, and Sildak Metal.

Celzial Metal is a radioactive metal found in trace amounts in most celestial species that live in Ragsendi, but too much can harm or kill them.  Areas of Ragsendi and other realms avoided by celestial species are usually rich in this material, as are some meteors.  Each cubic inch of this metal has only 1 EP. 1 toughness. and 1/6000th lbs, dealing very little damage to most beings, but dealing +4 HP damage to any species that has it as a weakness, and even more to those that have a multiplier to their weakness.

Gorgust Powder is made from the ground up ancient bones found in Ostiel as well as diamond dust mixed together to a fine blue flour.  It grants an extra +12 toughness to anything it is rubbed on while dealing 1 EP damage to it, and if put into part of cast metal it will grant it +10 toughness without the EP damage.  Additionally, if it is given to plants alongside a nutrient mix, they will have 1 month of weed-free life per square it is applied to per 1/4th lbs of Gorgust Powder applied.

Onyew Nectar is part of the recipe of ambrosia the higher powered beings in Ragsendi will bestow to those worthy of immortality, which some say does not grant the immortality itself, but does help to serve as a final test of worthiness.  Onyew Nectar causes +1 HP regained per 1/2 lbs drank, if one has positive LP, but -2 HP per 1/2 lbs drank if one has negative LP, as those that are selfish or feel unlucky will find their mind burn at the sensation of its taste.  Onyew Nectar may be gathered by insects or other creatures to make byproducts such as honey, wax and other materials for a lesser effect, or it can be applied as part of a varnish, stain or dye to bestow a ward against 4 EP damage of any type and against 8 EP damage against infernal attacks.

Sildak Metal is made from the melted leaves of the Sildak trees in Ragsendi, which shimmer and glitter in even low-light conditions.  A cubic inch of Sildak Metal, even if unworked, has 15 EP and 10 Toughness, weighing only 1/8000th lbs, being extremely light for its durability.  It has the appearance of faintly blue-tinged silver that shines brightly even without polishing.

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