Friday, October 18, 2013

System Mechanics: Equipped Inventory:

Unlike most RPG systems, MaL allows players to equip multiple items to the same location type so long as they fit and combined with overall carried items do not overwhelm an individual's speed to drop below 1.  The more that one wears, of course, the slower one may become, but sometimes sacrificing speed may be of benefit to defensive characters.  Each of 6 equipment sections has 4 slots that may be used.  An individual must use 1/2 a turn per item change from one slot to another or from outside the slots if done in combat.  If someone adds an item that has a special ability, they must wait at least 2 turns before they can use that special ability in combat unless it was previously in another slot.  For every 3 special abilities slotted items have, 1 FP must be expended at the start of the day if they are equipped to ensure one can use it immediately when able, or they will have to spend 1 turn per 3 special abilities at the first combat of the day before they can use any item with special abilities, being only able to use items or other attacks that do not have special abilities.  Below are the different slots, and a list showing examples of items that use that slot.

Head: Any equipment that goes on the head, face or neck.  This includes amulets, blindfolds, crowns, chokers, collars, glasses, goggles, hats, headbands, helmets, hoods, leashes, jewelry, necklaces, masks, pendents, scarfs, shades, tiaras, and other items.

Front Body: Any equipment that goes on the shoulders, chest, or either arm.  This includes arm armor, breastplates, capes, coats, cloaks, epaulettes, jackets, jewelry, shirts, shoulder pads,and other items.

Back Body:  Any equipment that goes on the back, shoulders or spine.  (Yes, Shoulder items can go on the front or back of the body as one sees fit to slot them.)  This includes back armor, backpacks, capes, cloaks, epaulettes, secondary weapons, shields, shoulder bags, shoulder pads, tail weapons, tail jewelry, tertiary weapons, and other items.

Hands:  Any equipment that goes on the hands or forearms. This includes bracelets, bracers, bucklers, gauntlets, gloves, primary weapons, rings, secondary weapons, shields, and other items.

Lower Body:  Any equipment that goes on the stomach, waist, hips, rear, or upper legs.  This includes armor, belts, jewelry, pants, shorts, small bags and other items.

Feet:  Any equipment that goes on the feet or shins.  This includes books, shin guards, shoes, and other items.

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