Sunday, October 13, 2013

System Mechanics: Gaining Favor:

Previously we touched on how Favor is listed, and on the different Higher Powered Beings.  Now, let's look at how favor is gained for each of them.  Just for recap, here is how the favor for a particular higher powered being is listed, before we get into how favor is gained:

Favor: Higher Being Name or Title: Amount of Favor.

Alright, on to how favor is gained!  Bit of a long post, but those that play Acolytes or just want to gain potential boons or soul power should give it a read-over.  There are a lot of different ways to gain favor for different Higher Powered Beings, but most boil down into simple actions.  The listing below is pretty straightforward, though if a player attempts either an action not listed or attempts to use a particular action in a way not previously listed, as GM should take its domain into account and determine whether it has any influence on favor.

Charity (Goods):  Donating a book to a library, school or an individual without any gains +1 Favor from Atim per day.  Donating a mirror or any goods that improve one's appearance to someone less attractive gains +1 Favor from Byn.  Donating a musical instrument or musical notation to a musical school or musician in training gains +1 Favor from Chabelle.  Donating a fictional book specifically to a library, school or individual without any gains not only the favor from Atim, but +1 Favor from Dyndar per day as well.  Donating clothing or food to the homeless gains +1 Favor from Ehnkilli per day.  Donating any transformative items to Fuldor's temples or giving one to someone seeking metamorphosis gains +1 Favor from Fuldor per day.  Donating beds, bedding, pillows, or sleeping bags to those in need gains +1 Favor from Guraye per day.  Donating Shells of any non-ammunition kind to one of Hexen's temples, or food or culinary equipment to a struggling cook, chef or baker gains +1 Favor from Hexen per day.  Donating items gains no Favor from Inthdu.  Donating any food to a traveler, guard or law officer gains +1 Favor from Jandur.  Donating a book on ascension techniques or a celestial item to one of Jannae's temples gains +1 Favor from Jannae per day.  Donating a metal weapon, shield or tool to someone in need, or metal materials to a blacksmith in need gains +1 Favor from Kaesot per day.  Donating a mutating or slime item to one of Lukarr's temples gains +1 Favor from Lukarr per day.  Donating a timepiece, a shield or armor to someone in need, gains +1 Favor from Maemyer per day.  Donating a language aid gains +1 Favor from Munnatir.  Donating a puzzle or construction tool gains +1 Favor from Najon per day.  Donating a bladed weapon to someone in need gains +1 Favor from Nysisa.  Donating pure water or ice to someone in need gains +1 Favor from Oroyas per day.  Donating a fungus or size-changing item to someone in need gains +1 Favor from Prenn per day.  Donating a soul-purifying or peace-inducing item to one of Qualo's temples or someone in need gains +1 Favor from Qualo per day.  Donating fire-starting items to someone in need gains +1 Favor from Ryim per day.  Donating clothing to those in need gains +1 Favor from Saja per day.  Donating bones to someone studying bone magic gains +1 Favor from The Shrouded One.  Donating a diseased item, sacrificial organs, or an item imbued with fear to one of Tarne's temples gains +1 Favor from Tarne per day.  Donating an animal to someone in need that will care for it gains +5 Favor from Turosh per day.  Donating new machinery to those in need gains +1 Favor from Unate per day.  Donating land for plants to grow, seeds, plants or materials to help plants grow gains +2 Favor from Urdendur per day.  Donating funeral related items to someone in need gains +1 Favor from Ves per day.  Giving away a possession of Unique or greater rarity gains +20 Favor from The Weeping Woman per day.  Donating something belonging to someone else without their permission gains +1 Favor from Wenba per day.  Donating a chaotic item to an ordered temple or place of government gains +1 Favor from Xyib per day.  Donating a tool, storage device, or non-primed trap to someone in need gains +1 Favor from Yull per day.  Donating a lust-based item to someone in need or someone very chaste, a space-based item to someone in need, or an infernal item to someone in need or a celestial follower gains +2 Favor from Zhen per day.

Charity (Monetary):  Donating 5% of one's funds or more to a library, student in need, or school gains +1 Favor from Atim per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to a magic school, apprentice learning magic that is in need of funds, or to any travel-related business gains +1 Favor from Bobh per week per 5% donated, +1 more if it is an realm-to-realm travel-related business.  Donating 5% of one's funds to a salon, barber shop, beautician school or any other place intended to improve one's appearance gains +1 Favor from Byn per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to a musical school, music hall or a musician in training gains +1 Favor from Chabelle per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds or more to a library or an aspiring author gains +1 Favor from Dyndar per week per 5% donated.  Ehnkilli does not reward Favor for donating funds to anyone or any organization, rewarding +1 Favor per week if one's own funds increase by 5% or more by the end of the week.  Donating 5% of one's funds to Fuldor's temples gains +1 Favor from Fuldor per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to Guraye's temples gains +1 Favor from Guraye per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to Hexen's temples or a struggling restaurant or bakery gains +1 Favor from Hexen per week per 5% donated.  Donating funds gains no Favor from Inthdu.  Donating 5% of one's funds to a travel-related business or law-enforcement agency gains +1 Favor from Jandur per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to one of Jannae's temples gains +1 Favor from Jannae per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to one of Kaesot's temples or a Blacksmith in need gains +1 Favor from Kaesot per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to one of Lukarr's temples gains +1 Favor from Lukarr per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to one of Maemyer's temples or a Blacksmith or Watchmaker or Clock Repairer in need gains +1 Favor from Maemyer per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds or more to a beggar, honest charity, library, student in need, or school that teaches at least one additional language gains +1 Favor from Munnitar per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to a charity doing construction work or to someone studying Mazek for Najon gains +5 Favor from Najon per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to Nysisa's temples or a weapon's training facility in need gains +5 Favor from Nysisa per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to purifying water or ice gains +4 Favor from Oroyas per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to one of Prenn's temples gains +5 Favor from Prenn per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to one of Qualo's temples or someone in need gains +5 Favor from Qualo per week per 5% donated.  Ryim does not reward monetary donations.  Donating 5% of one's funds to one of Saja's temples or someone in desire of dancing or clothing-related studies that can't afford them gains +5 Favor from Saja per week per 5% donated.  The Shrouded One does not reward monetary donations.  Tarne does not reward monetary donations.  Donating 5% of one's funds to one of Turosh's temples or an animal shelter gains +5 Favor from Turosh per week per 5% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to someone developing new machine-related technology gains +5 Favor from Unate per week per 5% donated.  Urgendur does not reward monetary donations.  Donating 5% of one's funds to someone who has had someone close to them die or to a pauper's funeral gains +5 Favor from Ves per week per 5% donated.  Donating 25% of one's funds to someone else who needs it gains +35 Favor from The Weeping Woman per week per 25% donated.  Donating 5% of one's funds to Wenba's temples gains +5 Favor from Wenba per week per 5% donated.  Xyib does not reward monetary donations with Favor.  Yull does not reward monetary donations with Favor.  Zhen does not reward monetary donations with Favor.

Charity (Services):  Teaching someone how to read, reading a book to children, or teaching someone a skill from a book gains +2 Favor from Atim per day.  Giving someone passage to another realm or teaching someone the basics of magic gains +2 Favor from Bobh per day.  Improving someone's appearance gains +2 Favor from Byn per day.  Teaching someone how to read music, playing a song for a crowd at no charge, or teaching someone how to play an instrument gains +2 Favor from Chabelle per day.  Teaching someone how to read, reading a book to children, telling a story or teaching someone how to write a story gains +2 Favor from Dyndar per day.  Teaching someone how to steal in any method gains +3 Favor from Ehnkilli per day.  Helping someone willing to transform themselves gains +2 Favor from Fuldor per day.  Guiding someone through a desert or interpreting someone's dreams gains +2 Favor from Guraye.  Teaching someone how to cook or how to collect shells, or preparing a meal for the homeless gains +2 Favor from Hexen per day.  Eating someone's leftovers or falling asleep on a job gains +2 Favor from Inthdu per day.  Volunteering for at least 2 hours per day as a Guard or Travel Guide gains +2 Favor from Jandur per day.  Leading someone to Jannae's temples or protecting it for at least 2 hours per day gains +3 Favor from Jannae.  Teaching someone how to harness lightning or how to smith gains +2 Favor from Kaesot per day.  Showing someone how to make poison or a mutating item, or mutating someone gains +3 Favor from Lukarr per day.  Serving as someone's bodyguard, in a law enforcement agency, military defense branch, dusting someone's home or business free of charge or repairing a timepiece gains +2 Favor from Maemyer per day if at least two hours are spent on it.  Teaching someone another language or about another culture gains +2 Favor from Munnatir per day if at least two hours are spent on it.  Solving a puzzle for an explorer in need, or studying Mazek and taking notes for at least two hours gains +2 Favor from Najon per day.  Training someone how to use a bladed weapon or serving as a law enforcement agent for at least two hours gains +2 Favor from Nysisa per day.  Purifying water or ice for a settlement in need gains +3 Favor from Oroyas per day.  Helping someone with their fungal garden, spreading fungus, or helping someone change their size gains +2 Favor from Prenn per day.  Teaching someone how to meditate gains +2 Favor from Qualo per day. Helping individuals into a romantic relationship or helping to stabilize one gains +2 Favor from Ryim per day.  Teaching someone how to make something with cloth or how to dance gains +2 Favor from Saja per day.  Teaching someone bone magic or ghosting gains +2 Favor from The Shrouded One per day.  Taking on a disease to spread or spreading fear gains +5 Favor from Tarne per day they are spread.  Helping an injured animal or helping guide someone through darkness gains +2 Favor from Turosh per day.  Spending at least an hour repairing machinery for someone without pay gains +2 Favor from Unate per day.  Helping to prepare an area to grow plants, helping to make plants mature, or protecting plants from danger gains +2 Favor from Urgendur per day.  Helping to prepare a dead body, do funeral rites, or prepare a funeral gains +2 Favor from Ves per day.  Spending half one's waking hours providing a service for someone at no charge gains +10 Favor from The Weeping Woman per day.  Helping a divorce, helping a relationship to fall apart or helping a kidnapping gains +2 Favor from Wenba per day.  Teaching someone how to fight or how to fly through any method gains +2 Favor from Xyib per day.  Helping someone setup traps, teaching someone how to use tools, or helping someone sort their storage out gains +2 Favor from Yull per day.  Taking someone into space, helping sate their lust, or helping them satisfy their selfishness gains +3 Favor from Zhen per day.

Construction (Goods):  Making a blank book or book filled with information gains +1 Favor from Atim per day.  Making a magical focus device or a realm travel device gains +1 Favor from Bobh per day.  Making a mirror of beauty enhancing item gains +1 Favor from Byn per day.  Making an instrument or musical notation gains +1 Favor from Chabelle per day.  Writing poems, short stories or novel gains +1 Favor from Dyndar per day if at least an hour is spent on it.  Creating a safe, lock or trap intended to keep others from one's funds gains +1 Favor from Ehnkilli per day.  Constructing a transformative item gains +1 Favor from Fuldor per day.  Making a pillow gains +1 Favor from Guraye per day.  Constructing a piece of culinary equipment gains +1 Favor from Hexen per day.  Constructing a bed gains +1 Favor from Inthdu per day if it is slept on that same day for at least 10 hours.  Making a travel guide or exploration log entry gains +1 Favor from Jandur per day.  Making a log entry of ascension techniques or meditation thoughts gains +1 Favor from Jannae per day.  Constructing a metal sword, shield or tool gains +1 Favor from Kaesot per day.  Making a mutating item, poison, or a slime item gains +1 Favor from Lukarr per day.  Crafting a piece of armor, a shield, a timepiece or dusting equipment gains +1 Favor from Maemyer per day.  Making something tied to another culture, or an aid to language studies gains +1 Favor from Munnatir per day.  Building a puzzle or making a log from studying Mazek gains +1 Favor from Najon per day if at least an hour is spent on it.  Making a bladed weapon for someone else gains +1 Favor from Nysisa per day.  Making a water or ice purification device gains +1 Favor from Nysisa per day.  Making a size-changing device gains +1 Favor from Prenn per day.  Constructing a soul-purifying or peace-inducing item gains +1 Favor from Qualo per day.  Making a fire-starting item or a romantic item gains +1 Favor from Ryim per day.  Making something out of cloth of Fine or greater quality gains +1 Favor from Saja per day.  Making an item for bone magic or ghosting for someone else gains +1 Favor from The Shrouded One per day.  Making an item imbued with fear or carrying disease gains +2 Favor from Tarne per day.  Making a shadow-based item gains +1 Favor from Turosh per day.  Constructing a machine new to an area that is in need gains +2 Favor form Unate per day.  Making a tool to help plants mature or something to harness wind power gains +2 Favor from Urgendur per day.  Making a funeral-related item gains +2 Favor from Ves per day.  Constructing something of Marvelous or greater quality gains +3 Favor from The Weeping Woman per day.  Making a fence gains +1 Favor from Wenba.  Making something that flies, a weapon, or a chaotic item gains +1 Favor from Xyib per day.  Creating a tool, storage device or trap gains +1 Favor from Yull per day.  Creating a lust-based, space-based or infernal item gains +1 Favor from Zhen per day.

Construction (Structures):  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a library or school gains +2 Favor from Atim per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a magical school or realm-to-realm travel structure gains +2 Favor from Bobh per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a beauty school or beauty-improving business gains +2 Favor from Byn per day. Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a musical school or music hall gains +2 Favor from Chabelle per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a library gains +2 Favor from Dyndar per day.  Constructing a hidden vault or horde gains +3 Favor from Ehnkilli per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Fuldor's temples or another place of transformative power gains +3 Favor from Fuldor per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Guraye's temples gains +2 Favor from Guraye per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Hexen's temples or a new restaurant or bakery gains +2 Favor from Hexen per day.  Constructing a structure gains no Favor from Inthdu.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a travel-related business, law-enforcement agency building, jail or prison gains +2 Favor from Jandur per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Jannae's temples gains +3 Favor from Jannae per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Kaesot's temples or a Blacksmith shop gains +2 Favor from Kaesot per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Lukarr's temples gains +2 Favor from Lukarr per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Maemyer's temples gains +2 Favor from Maemyer per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a library or school gains +2 Favor from Munnatir per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a research outpost in Mazek gains +2 Favor from Najon per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct one of Nysisa's temples or a weapon's training facility gains +2 Favor from Nysisa per week.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct a water or ice purification facility gains +2 Favor from Oroyas per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct one of Prenn's temples, a fungal garden or a size-changing structure gains +3 Favor from Prenn per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct one of Qualo's temples or a home for someone in need gains +3 Favor from Qualo per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help setup a wedding, honeymoon or other romantic event for someone else gains +2 Favor from Ryim.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Saja's temples gains +2 Favor from Saja.  Building a small shrine to The Shrouded One gains +2 Favor from The Shrouded Oneper per day.  Spending at least three hours to help construct one of Tarne's temples gains +2 Favor from Tarne per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct another of Turosh's temples or an animal shelter gains +2 Favor from Turosh per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help construct one of Unate's temples gains +2 Favor from Unate per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help make one of Urgendur's temples, a windmill, prepare land for growing plants or placing equipment to protect plants from danger gains +2 Favor from Urgendur per day.  Building a shrine to Ves or a funeral-related structure gains +2 Favor from Ves per day.  Spending at least a full day's working hours to help make one of The Weeping Woman's temples gains +6 Favor from The Weeping Woman per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to help make one of Wenba's temples gains +2 Favor from Wenba per day.  Xyib does not reward constructing structures.  Spending at least 3 hours to help build a warehouse gains +2 Favor from Yull per day.  Spending at least 3 hours to construct a brothel or space-travel-related building gains +3 Favor from Zhen per day.

Destruction (Goods):  Destroying a book gains -5 Favor from Atim per day.  Destroying a realm-to-realm item or magic-storing item gains -5 Favor from Bobh per day.  Destroying a mirror gains -5 Favor from Byn per day.  Destroying a musical instrument or musical notation gains -5 Favor from Chabelle per day.  Destroying a poem, short story or novel gains -5 Favor from Dyndar per day.  Destroying any valuable materials gains -5 Favor from Ehnkilli per day.  Destroying a transformative item gains -5 Favor from Fuldor per day.  Destroying a bed, bedding, pillow or sleeping bag gains -5 Favor from Guraye per day.  Destroying a shell or food gains -5 Favor from Hexen per day.  Destroying food or a bed gains -5 Favor from Inthdu per day.  Destroying a travel-related or law-enforcement-related item gains -5 Favor from Jandur per day.  Destroying a celestial item or a guide on ascension techniques gains -6 Favor from Jannae per day.  Destroying a metal sword, shield or tool gains -4 Favor from Kaesot per day if it is repaired or recast within that day.  Destroying a mutating item, poison or a slime item gains -5 Favor from Lukarr per day.  Destroying a timepiece, or destroying a shield or piece of armor outside of combat gains -5 Favor from Maemyer per day.  Destroying a book gains -5 Favor from Munnatir per day.  Destroying a puzzle, Mazek exploration log, or any good intended for a Mazek research outpost gains -6 Favor from Najon per day.  Destroying a bladed weapon out of combat gains -5 Favor from Nysisa per day.  Destroying a water or ice purification device or tainting water or ice gains -10 Favor from Oroyas per day.  Destroying a size-changing device or non-poisonous fungus gains -4 Favor from Prenn per day.  Destroying a soul-purifying or peace-inducing item gains -9 Favor from Qualo per day.  Destroying a fire-starting item or romantic item gains -6 Favor from Ryim.  Destroying clothing or polluting the air gains -7 Favor from Saja.  Destroying items does not gain Favor from The Shrouded One.  Destroying something imbued with fear, sacrificial organs or a disease-ridden item without Tarne's instruction gains -15 Favor from Tarne.  Destroying an animal or leaving parts of an animal unused gains -5 Favor from Turosh per day.  Destroying a machine out of combat unless Unate orders it gains -10 Favor from Unate per day.  Destroying a plant that is not a danger needing destruction gains -10 Favor from Urgendur per day.  Destroying a death-related item gains -3 Favor from Ves.  Destroying one's most valuable possession gains +12 Favor from The Weeping Woman per day.  Destroying a method of transportation gains +2 Favor from Wenba per day.  Destroying an order item gains +3 Favor from Xyib per day.  Destroying a trap instead of disarming it, destroying a tool without using it or destroying a storage device gains -10 Favor from Yull per day.  Destroying an infernal item, lust-based or space-based item gains -6 Favor from Zhen per day, though destroying a celestial item gains +3 Favor per day.

Destruction (Monetary):  Destroying funds intended for a library or school gains -10 Favor from Atim per day.  Destroying funds intended for a magical school or realm-to-realm travel business gains -10 Favor from Bobh per day.  Destroying funds intended for a beauty school of beauty-improving business gains -10 Favor from Byn per day.  Destroying funds intended for a musical school, music hall or musician in training gains -10 Favor from Chablle per day.  Destroying funds intended for a library gains -10 Favor from Dyndar per day.  Destroying any funds gains -10 Favor from Ehnkilli per day.  Destroying funds intended for Fuldor's temples gains -7 Favor from Fuldor per day, as it angers him greatly, but also helps him test his followers.  Destroying funds intended for Guraye's temples gains -10 Favor from Guraye per day.  Destroying funds intended for Hexen's temples, a restaurant or bakery gains -10 Favor from Hexen per day.  Destroying funds gains no Favor from Inthdu.  Destroying funds intended for Jannae's temples gains -10 Favor from Jannae per day.  Destroying funds intended for Kaesot's temples or a Blacksmith in need gains -11 Favor from Kaesot.  Destroying funds intended for Lukarr's temples gains -10 Favor from Lukarr.  Destroying funds intended for Maemyer's temples gains -10 Favor from Maemyer.  Destroying funds intended for a library or school gains -10 Favor from Munnatir.  Destroying funds intended for a Mazek research outpost gains -11 Favor from Najon per day.  Destroying funds intended for Nysisa's temples or a weapon's training facility in need gains -10 Favor from Nysisa per day.  Destroying funds intended for a water or ice purification facility gains -12 Favor from Oroyas per day.  Destroying funds intended for Prenn's temples, a fungal garden or a size-changing building gains -9 Favor from Prenn per day.  Destroying funds intended for Qualo's temples or beggars gains -11 Favor from Qualo per day.  Destroying funds gains no Favor from Ryim.  Destroying funds intended for Saja's temples gains -10 Favor from Saja per day.  Destroying funds gains no Favor from The Shrouded One.  Tarne does not offer Favor for destroying money.  Destroying funds intended for an animal shelter gains -10 Favor from Turosh per day.  Unate does not reward destruction of money.  Urgendur does not give Favor for destruction of funds.  Ves does not care if funds are destroyed.  Destroying 30% of one's funds gains +20 Favor from The Weeping Woman per day.  Destroying funds intended for Wenba's temples gains -25 Favor from Wenba, but destroying funds for anything else gains +4 Favor per day.  Destroying funds from intended for an ordered temple or a government gains +5 Favor from Xyib per day.  Destroying funds does not reward Favor from Yull.  Destroying funds intended for anything traveling through space gains -18 Favor from Zhen per day.

Destruction (Structures):  Destroying a library or school gains -20 Favor from Atim.  Destroying a magical school or realm-to-realm travel business gains -20 Favor from Bobh.  Destroying a beauty school of beauty-improving business gains -20 Favor from Byn.  Destroying a musical school, or music hall gains -20 Favor from Chabelle.  Destroying a library gains -20 Favor from Dyndar.  Destroying a bank completely gains -20 Favor from Ehnkilli (Destroying part and stealing the funds does not gain negative favor).  Destroying one of Fuldor's temples or a place of transformative power gains -25 Favor from Fuldor.  Destroying one of Guraye's temples gains -20 Favor from Guraye.  Destroying one of Hexen's temples, a restaurant or bakery gains -20 Favor from Hexen.  Destroying a structure gains no Favor from Inthdu.  Destroying one of Jannae's temples gains -30 Favor from Jannae.  Destroying one of Kaesot's temples or a Blacksmith shop gains -20 Favor from Kaesot.  Destroying one of Lukarr's temples gains -20 Favor from Lukarr.  Destroying one of Maemyer's temples, a watchmaker's shop or workshop, a clock repairer's shop or workshop, or a Blacksmith shop gains -20 Favor from Maemyer.  Destroying a library or school gains -20 Favor from Munnatir.  Destroying a Mazek research outpost gains -25 Favor from Najon.  Destroying one of Nysisa's temples or a weapons training facility gains -20 Favor from Nysisa.  Destroying a water or ice purification facility or destroying a building that causes taint to leak into water or ice gains -30 Favor from Oroyas.  Destroying a fungal garden, one of Prenn's temples or a size-changing building gains -21 Favor from Prenn.  Destroying one of Qualo's temples gains -30 Favor from Qualo per day.  Destroying something setup for a romantic event gains -20 Favor from Ryim.  Destroying one of Saja's temples gains -20 Favor from Saja.  Destroying a building that lies in ruin gains -25 Favor from The Shrouded One.  Destroying one of Tarne's temples gains -30 Favor from Tarne.  Destroying an animal shelter or one of Turosh's temples gains -22 Favor from Turosh.  Destroying one of Unate's temples gains -18 Favor from Unate per day.  Destroying land prepared for plants, protected land, windmills, or one of Urgendur's temples gains -19 Favor from Urgender per day.  Destroying a funeral or death-related structure gains -7 Favor from Ves per day.  Damaging one's own current domicile by 6 EP or more gains +3 Favor from The Weeping Woman per day.  Destroying one of Wenba's temples gains -15 Favor, but destroying any other structure gains +3 Favor per day.  Destroying a government structure or ordered temple gains +7 Favor from Xyib per day.  Destroying a warehouse gains -16 Favor from Yull.  Destroying one of Zhen's temples gains -27 Favor from Zhen per day.

Focus (Thoughts):  Be it meditation, prayer or just concentrating on a Higher Powered Being's known plans and how to help them, a character may use 1 FP per day to gain +1 Favor from a Higher Powered Being.  However, focusing on some may lose favor from another who is fighting with them, such as someone praying to Ehnkilli gains +1 Favor from him, but always gains -1 Favor from Jandur.  Most Higher Powered Beings don't care, so long as an individual doesn't go beyond focusing on another to actually working against their plans.  However, it is best to pay attention to the news and rumors to determine if followers of one Higher Powered Being have attacked something cherished by another.  If so, focusing on the same Higher Powered Being whose followers did the attack will gain -1 Favor from the victimized Higher Powered Being unless done more than a week after the attack.  Taking at least an hour to study a language or another culture after it costs 1 FP gains +1 Favor from Munnatir.  Eating nothing for a day and meditating at least 4 hours during it gains +3 Favor from The Weeping Woman.

Pilgrimage (Travel):  Travel to a famous library or school gains +5 Favor from Atim per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Traveling to another realm gains +5 Favor from Bobh per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Travel to a famous beauty school or beauty-improving business gains +5 Favor from Byn per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Traveling to a famous musical school or music hall gains +5 Favor from Chabelle per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Traveling to a famous library or favored writing spot of a famous author gains +5 Favor from Dyndar per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Ehnkilli does not reward any travel with Favor.  Travel to one of Fuldor's temples or a famous transformative place gains +5 Favor from Fuldor per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Travel to one of Guraye's temples gains +5 Favor from Guraye per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Travel to a famous restaurant or bakery gains +5 Favor from Hexen per week if at least an hour is spent within it and something is purchased.  Refraining from leaving one's current room for an entire day gains +10 Favor from Inthdu per day.  Travel to one of Jannae's temples gains +5 Favor per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Travel to one of Kaesot's temples gains +5 Favor per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Lukarr does not reward travel.  Managing to travel in time to the past or the future gains +5 Favor per week from Maemyer.  Travel to a famous library or school gains +5 Favor from Munnatir per week if at least an hour is spent within it.  Traveling within Mazek gains +6 Favor from Najon per week if notes are taken and at least an hour is spent within it.  Traveling to one of Nysisa's temples gains +4 Favor per week if at least an hour is spent in it.  Oroyas does not reward travel.  Prenn does not reward travel.  Qualo does not reward travel.  Ryim does not reward travel.  Travel to one of Saja's temples as either an invited dancer or clothing-related artisan to show your works gains +6 Favor from Saja per week if at least an hour is spent in it.  Travel to a ruins and respecting its state of ruin gains +5 Favor from The Shrouded One if at least the building has less than 10 EP damage done to it after at least an hour spent in it.  Traveling outside of a quarantine zone if one is in place while carrying a disease gains +10 Favor from Tarne.  Bringing an animal ready to return to the wild back to its kind, or walking without light at night for at least an hour gains +5 Favor from Turosh per week.  Traveling to The White Void and spending an hour in it gains +6 Favor from Unate per week.  Urgender does not reward travel unless spreading seeds and then it is +4 Favor per week.  Travel to a graveyard or place saturated with death for at least an hour gains +3 Favor from Ves per week.  Traveling at least 20 miles by foot in a week gains +6 Favor from The Weeping Woman per week.  Wenba does not reward travel with Favor.  Traveling at least 5 miles through some method of flight gains +6 Favor from Xyib per week.  Yull does not reward travel with Favor.  Travel to an infernal realm or into space gains +3 Favor from Zhen per week if at least 1 hour is spent in either.

Slaying (Enemies):  Slaying anything gains no favor from Atim, Bobh, Byn, Chabelle, Fuldor, Guraye, Hexen, Inthdu, Jannae, Kaesot, Munnatir, Najon, Saja, The Shrouded One, Urgendur, Ves, or Yull unless it is attacking something that falls within their realm, and then it is +1 Favor per day.  Slaying a thief gains +1 Favor from Jandur if they were proven guilty of a recent crime (One might expect to gain -1 from Ehnkilli, but if they were caught he doesn't care), but -1 Favor from Jandur and Ehnkilli if they were proven innocent.  Slaying someone opposed to mutation, slime or potion items that is in a position of influence gains +1 Favor from Lukarr.  Slaying a Living Pentachoron or another creature or individual trying to stop time-travel he has permitted gains +1 Favor from Maemyer per one killed.  Slaying an aggressive non-sentient creature in fair combat gains +2 Favor from Nysisa, slaying an aggressive sentient one in fair combat gains +1 Favor from Nysisa.  Slaying someone guilty of tainting water or ice gains +2 Favor from Oroyas.  Slaying someone to protect your jealousy of your possessions and getting away with it gains +2 Favor from Prenn.  Slaying any sentient or peaceful creature outside of combat initiated by the other individual gains -5 Favor from Qualo per sentient or creature.  Slaying someone threatening a person in love gains +6 Favor from Ryim.  Slaying a therapist or medical professional gains +5 Favor from Tarne.  Slaying someone cruel to animals gains +6 Favor from Turosh.  Slaying any chaotic-ability using creature or sentient gains +4 Favor from Unate.  If someone else not hired by the follower slays a follower of The Weeping Woman's relative, loved one or best friend, then the follower gains +30 Favor.  Slaying a diplomat, negotiator, counselor, psychiatrist or other individual who mediates between two parties gains +5 Favor from Wenba.  Slaying an order follower or government official gains +4 Favor from Xyib per day.  Slaying something celestial gains +1 Favor from Zhen per day.

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