Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Materials: Enhontros, Lykonhide, Munzotan, and Shatterstrom:

The Forgotten Prison of Pral is perhaps the second most dangerous if not most dangerous realm to attempt to harvest materials from, and yet some are either brave or foolish enough to not only try, but succeed.  Their main hauls include Enhontros, Lykonhide, Munzotan,and Shatterstrom:

Enhontros is a type of metal found in some of the asteroids floating in Pral, exposed to the pure entropic forces radiating out from the High Chaotic Beings' prison crystals.  In its natural state it has 3 EP, 6 Toughness, and weighs 1/20th lbs per cubic inch, radiating entropy to wear down all non-ordered and non-chaotic materials by 3 EP per turn that are within 4 squares of it.  When merged with other materials, it can be harnessed to only deal 2 EP per turn that it strikes something, and ward against chaotic attacks with +7 EP resistance to chaotic attacks at a cost of -2 HP per day regardless of any attacks.

Lykonhide is harvested from some moderately weak chaotic creatures that live in Pral that are not imprisoned inside crystals, having freedom to roam it as they were found to be too difficult to entrap, and not enough of a threat to the stability of the realms to waste more than a couple centuries of work to try to capture them.  Lykons feast on the pain of others, usually eating some radiating from the Pragur in their prison crystals, but sometimes capturing, torturing and consuming a sacrifice intended to free the Pragur by one of their many cults.  Lykonhide when properly prepared and worn offers +4 EP protection against chaotic attacks, +3 Speed, and + 7 Stealth, though it deals 1 sanity check per day due to the ambient absorption of suffering.  Each cubic inch has 2 EP, 1 Toughness, and weighs 1/4000th lbs.

Munzotan is a type of rock that emits mutating radiation, being safe within a gold shield or abilities that block radiation, but otherwise having each turn within 10 squares of it a 1d10 chance of causing 3 simultaneous mutations from nearby genetic material or genetic material from one's own ancestry, having a 50/50 chance of being beneficial or negative.  A cubic inch has 4 EP, 2 Toughness and weighs 1/120th lbs in its natural state, but its true power lies in using it in conjunction with gold to focus its radiation, or in finding a way to cause it to break apart through explosions or other ways of turning it into an easily spread powder that guarantees the 3 simultaneous mutations occur on exposure.  Intentionally adding genetic material samples to this powder for a day before exposing someone to it guarantees that all 3 mutations will occur with those as their base, but not which mutation of their genetics will arise.  However, if Munzotan is outside of Pral for more than 5 days, it turns into worthless dust, regardless of its form beforehand.

Shatterstrom is a type of crystal that grows alongside the prison crystals that hold the pral but is not containing a pral within it.  As a result of its close proximity, it has absorbed their agony and insanity, dealing a sanity check per turn that someone is within 4 squares of it, and an additional sanity check and 2 HP damage to whomever touches it.  This is contained and focused by gold around the crystal except in the direction one wishes to aim it.  Each cubic inch of it has 1 EP, 1 Toughness, and weighs 1/3000th lbs.

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