Thursday, October 24, 2013

Materials: Glimmerstone, Helkarne Metal, Nala'Jun Beads, and Sunderstone:

The Barren Waste of Thelatos hold mostly wasteland and warring species vying for domination and survival, but despite the dangers there are materials some have risked their lives and more to gather.  Chief among these are Glimmerstone, Helkarne Metal, Nala'Jun Beads, Sunderstone:

Glimmerstone is a type of rock that polishes nicely, having 2 EP, 1 Toughness, and 1/4000th lbs per cubic inch, drawing -6 Stealth to any within 2 squares of it while it is uncovered and having a sanity check required if looking at it for more than 2 turns, every 2 turns, and a +4 damage against Specters.  This type of stone was created by a species drawn into Thelatos to try to keep the first infernal beings distracted while they formulated an escape, but they hadn't counted on its effects being so potent as to trap specters in it even, who would psionically wail at any that looked at it for release.  This drove them insane faster than they could escape, as the first infernal beings wanted more and more of these glimmerstones, being too shrewd to look at them for too long, but unable to resist the desire to have more of them as distractions while they waged war on each other.

Helkarne Metal is a white and black speckled metal created by the first infernal beings and first celestial beings in concert to fight the High Chaotic Beings, having 4 EP, 5 Toughness and weighing 1/200th lbs per cubic inch, healing 1 HP per day, and dealing a bonus 25 damage if used with an individual's last FP use of a day.  Many thought it was lost during the war, but both the celestials and infernals kept some hidden for their war that followed.  The celestials lost most of their own in the war against the infernals, putting everything they could into the battle effort, but many infernals resorted to less powerful metals and forced armies from beings from the primary realm to ensure they not surrender their prized weaponry to the celestials or to shattering.  Some steal them from Thelatos, but the method of making more is a lost art that many have tried to reclaim.  If any have, they have not shared it with the general populous.

Nala'Jun Beads were made by an ancient species whose planet had been grabbed by the first infernal beings early in their war against the first celestial beings.  Some say the species itself fled Thelatos unharmed due to these beads but had to leave them behind, while others claim that they still wander Thelatos helping others to escape when trapped in it, while others rumor as to what may have happened to turn them into a force that even the first infernal beings fear.  Though the Nala'Jun themselves seem to be gone or in hiding, their stone beads were made of remnants of their planet's core as it died in Thelatos, condensing and shaping it to hold massive amounts of magical energy, but at the cost of being only useful to those deemed worthy.  Each of these purple and blue swirled ,metal beads has 3 EP, 1 Toughness, and weighs 1/3500th lbs, storing 100 FP, but anyone with infernal traits will find it dealing 1 HP damage and -1 LP per FP used.

Sunderstone is a type of speckled and craggy rock in Thelatos that has absorbed a lot of metagenic toxins caused by the selfishness of the first infernal beings to harvest as much resources from the early planets they stole as quickly as possible.  As a result, some planets ended up having their cores tainted with enough poisonous materials to cause them to explode, sending debris across Thelatos that still is a danger to those that find it if not handled properly.  Each cubic inch of Sunderstone has only 1 EP and 1 Toughness, weighing 1/200th lbs, but storing enough mutagen inside that when cracked open will cause a 1d4 random possibility on whatever character or creature it leaks onto: 1) A Beneficial Mutation from surrounding genetic material, 2) No Change, 3) A Negative Mutation from surrounding genetic material, 4) 4 HP damage and a Negative Mutation from surrounding genetic material.

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