Saturday, August 24, 2013

Flora: Tearful Violet:

One of the many plants in MaL is the rare Viola Lacrimosus or Tearful Violet, a breed that is extremely sensitive to both magical and mundane pollution, bearing black with deep purple teardrop shaped markings upon each petal.  The Tearful Violet primarily was used-and still may be in some regions-as a symbol of fragile beauty, tended to by those with enough power to ensure its blossom each year and cultivation of it for its purposes.  Those primarily known are drying the flower or the whole flower fresh as a laxative, as an antioxidant, and as boosting the immune system, which are common to most Viola plants.  However, to those with a high enough knowledge of the plant kingdom or of zombies will have learned that this specific flower is one of the few that kills the microorganism responsible for standard zombification, and may be used as a preventative or potential cure for those who haven't gone too far or ended up with a mutant strain.  Once a level of pain tolerance that a normal human would pass out from occurs, or enough trauma to the brain occurs without killing the zombie, however, the zombie should be considered beyond help from this floral remedy.  If they were cured they would either die from the damage or live forever in unending agony and most likely seek escape from that, whereas while infected their conscious mind is too suppressed and the pain tolerance increased to the point of a zombie withstanding it with only moans and screeching, rather than seeking to end the pain.

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