Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gambling: Triskago

     Gambling: Triskago (Most Areas Illegal) (Fees and Punishment Vary by Area) (Pot Grab) (Varies by Area) (Chance):  Triskago is a game of chance, and skill that is illegal in most areas, played in back alleys and hidden gambling dens.  In it the players roll a 1d4, a 1d6 a 1d12, and a cup.  The goal is to end up with a minimum bet score or higher, and additionally bet limiter of Scratch, all Odds, all Evens, all Primes, or all Same.  All the players must roll with their cup covering their results while the betting takes place.  Once the game's Runner bets a minimum score, all other players must bet equal with a bet limiter, or bet a higher number, going in a circle counter-clockwise.  The next turn has the person that won betting the minimum score, and the others following after.  If a player bets their minimum score and wins, they get their pot plus however much else is in it, if no one else met their bet.  If someone else bet higher and still won, then they get the pot if no one else met their bet.  If two are of equal bet but with different limiters, then whoever meets their limiter wins.  If someone bets a limiter and wins, the Runner throws in more to the pot, encouraging the use of them.  If someone bets Scratch, they get 1 extra coin as that means the results can't be all odds or all evens.  If someone bets Odds or Evens, they get 2 extra coins.  If they bet Primes they get 3 extra coins.  If they bet Same, they get 5 extra coins.  If there is a tie for any reason, the pot is split in half, with the excess going to the Runner if there is any.  If no one wins, the Runner gets the pot.  Having a limiter automatically counts for 3 points when comparing to another bet, so for someone to win without a limiter, their score has to be at least 4 higher than someone who won with a limiter chosen.  For example:

In this game of Triskago the Runner has three players with a 5 Copper Piece ante.  It goes for three rounds before someone shouts that the local law enforcement is coming.  All players have 15 CP to start.  [Note: All bet choices, limiter choices and rolls were physically rolled to simulate the rounds, and hilariously ended up the way they are through no intentional selection.  Sometimes the odds are stranger than anyone can guess, just like Triskago itself.] 

First Round:  They all put in their 5 CP ante, roll, then make their bets and limiters.  The Runner bets ten with no limiter.  Player 1 bets 11 with odds.  Player 2 bets 11 with evens.  Player 3 bets 13 with no limiter.  The dice are revealed.  The Runner has 4, 6, and 10 for 20 total and no limiter.  Player 1 has 2, 2, and 10 for 14 but an odds limiter and loses automatically.  Player 2 has 3, 1, and 10 for 14, but an evens limiter and loses automatically.  Player 3 has 2, 4, and 6 for 12 with no limiter, but hasn't met his bet, and loses automatically.  The Runner takes his 15 CP plus his 5 CP ante and adds it to his pile, making his pile 35 CP.  Player 1, 2, and 3 each have 10 CP left.

Second Round:  They put in their 5 CP ante, roll, then make their bets and limiters.  The Runner won last time, so they set the bet again.  This time the Runner bets 12 with no limiter.  Player 1 bets 13 with no limiter to play it safe.  Player 2 bets 12 with a scratch limiter. Player 3 bets 12 with Same limiter, feeling lucky for some reason.  The Runner has 4, 2, and 5 for 11, but they haven't met their bet and lose.  Player 1 gets 3, 4, and 9 for 16, with no limiter, so if no one else meets their bet they win.  Player 2 gets 1, 4, and 9, for 14 with a Scratch limiter they met, meaning they've also won their bet, but have a limiter.  If not for the limiter, Player 1 would win with the higher bet, but due to the limiter Player 2 would win.  Player 3 gets 4, 1 and 6 for 11 with a Same limiter, which they didn't meet.  Player 2 wins the pot, plus 1 extra coin, meaning they have 21 coins from this round.  They now have 26 CP.  Player 1 and 3 have 5 CP left.  The Runner has 29 CP.

Third Round:  They put in their 5 CP ante, roll, then make their bets and limiters.  Player 2 won last time, so they set the bet this time.  Player 2 bets 15 with no limiter.  The Runner bets 12 with a Scratch limiter.  Player 1 bets 11 with an Odds limiter.  Player 3 bets 5 with a Prime limiter.  This is unusually risky as if any of the other players make their bet they would win out rather than Player 3, even if their result is all primes.  Player 2 has 2, 6, and 6 for 14, and didn't meet their bet.  The Runner has 2, 4, and 8 for 14, but bet a Scratch limiter and has all evens, so they didn't meet their bet.  Player 1 has 4, 5, and 12 for 19 but an Odds limiter, but has two evens, so they didn't meet their bet.  Player 3 has 2, 2, and 5 for 9, with a Primes limiter.  As all of their dice are indeed Primes, and they met their bet of 5, with no other players meeting their bet, Player 3 wins, and gets 3 extra coins from the Runner in addition to the pot.  The game ends as they players try to evade the law enforcement officials.  The Runner has 23 CP from the game.  Player 1 has no CP left.  Player 2 has 21 CP.  Player 3 has 23 CP.  Subtracting their initial purse, the Runner won 8 CP.  Player 1 lost all 15 CP.  Player 2 won 7 CP.  Player 3 won 8 CP.  Unfortunately for the Players who weren't used to running from law enforcement, during the rush they were jostled around, and were caught.  When their belongings were checked Players 1 and 2 had no CP, and Player 3 still had their 23 CP.  Why?  Player 2's money was taken by a pickpocket in the commotion, Player 3 wasn't able to be targeted in time.  With the number of games run in the illegal gambling den, it is most likely that the Runners, gambling den owner, and their staff have pickpockets in their lot which take advantage when law enforcement comes in, so as to make extra funds.  If its a big enough gambling operation, these pickpockets will be regulated by the individuals in charge so as to ensure they only take from targets that won't come back with violence that they can't handle, such as known berserkers, and to take their cut from letting the pickpocket work as one of their Runners or other staff.  All three players are fined 3 CP and jailed for a day.  Player 3 can pay it off and does, still taking home 5 CP more than when they first started, released without escort.  Players 1 and 2 cannot, and will have a member of law enforcement go home with them to get the funds or equivalent payment, which causes their neighbors to spread rumors if they haven't already from a previous time.  The Runner and their cohorts count their earnings at their rendezvous point and laugh at the fools that come to their gambling dens.

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