Friday, August 2, 2013

System Mechanics: Varying Economics:

Certain areas within the different worlds in MaL may utilize the same exact type of coinage, whereas others may require different coinage, paper money, credit systems, bartering or other methods of payment.  In areas where bartering is the primary form of economy, a character should consider what is in high demand primarily, not merely the more valued items, as other characters in that area most likely do not know their value and would not trade equivalently.  In areas using different coinage or paper money, a character should either earn the new currency via paid work or selling an item, or exchange some of their other funds into it.  Theft is also an option, though as outsiders to the area the character performing the theft will be an automatic suspect in all but completely naive areas.  Credit systems, depending on their security, may have all of the previously listed methods, as well as hacking in order to gain funds in a credit currency area.  For GMs deciding to utilize multiple forms of currency for a campaign, it is best to consider either the most prevalent form of currency as the one the players utilize at start, or their starter currency to be prevalent locally to their area even if not the most prevalent one in the world.

(Base Currency Amount * Exchange Rate) - Exchange Fee = Alternate Currency Value.

(Demand / Supply) + Personal Interest = Value in a Barter System.

((Length of Credit History in years + Current Balance + Amount Paid + Number of Credit Payment Types) /  (Amount Owed + Times Late + Number of Credit Account Sources)) =  Credit Rating Value in a Credit System.

(Alternate Currency Value * Credit Rating Value) = Line of Credit Value in a Credit System.

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