Friday, August 16, 2013

Materials: Cold Iron, Silver and Gold:

Cold Iron is a very common staple of many fantasy stories, and MaL includes it in the many materials an individual can utilize in the game.  Cold Iron in MaL is iron that has not been alloyed with anything else and has not been put into a forge, merely shaped without the application of heat.  It is useful to ward of most Fey, some Specters, and to the superstitious it can be shaped into a horseshoe or other specific shape designed to ward off bad luck.

Silver is another metal that has many mythical properties in MaL, being linked to the night, and many creatures of darkness being strongly allergic to it.  Some mistakenly think that someone infected with the Lunemire virus needs to be killed only with silver, especially Werewolves, but while this does agitate them and make it hard for them to focus, it in and of itself does not kill them.  It may, however, be utilized in rituals, tools, and weapons that have increased efficiency in darkness, especially at night.

Gold is yet another metal with innate power.  It is linked to the sun, and some creatures are drawn to it, or painfully allergic to it.  It is used in some rituals, often alongside Silver and Cold Iron or other mythical materials, usually with the gold in the spot linked to light, strength and life.  As it is a soft metal, it is rarely used solely in weaponry or tools, but it often accents specialized equipment, and sometimes is the primary visible material to increase its effective properties.

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