Monday, August 5, 2013

System Mechanics: Domicile Value and Property Tax:

Every character in MaL has the opportunity to rent or purchase their own area and home, some being in the wilderness or ocean and therefore free, but others costing funds to own.  With that in mind, let's look at how the value of a home is calculated, and how much property tax is on a domicile:

Scarcity of Homes (Demand / Supply %) + Utility (+ 5% for every additional bedroom, bathroom or specialized room) + Transferability (- 3% for each local law limiting ease of ownership transfer) + Uniqueness (- 2% for every house of similar design in the region) + Age (+ 5% for every decade since it was built) + Repair Costs (- 5% for every repair needed) + Time of Sale (- 5% if sold in 'off-season' if the region experiences poor weather during that time) + Quality (Total value of materials put into the building * craftsmanship rating and * construction ratings) + Depreciation Factors (- 5% for any type of local pollution per type per level of it, as well as percentage of reported crimes per 5%) + Fame (+ 10 % for every point of Renown the building has, regardless of if positive or negative) = Home Market Value.

For rental properties such as apartments, duplexes and multifamily homes intentionally designed for that purpose, the value is higher:

Combined Home Market Value / Annual Expected Rental Income = Rental Income Modifier.

Rental Income Modifier * Combined Home Market Value = Rental Market Value.

Now, property taxes are determined on a basis of the sum of all property in a region sharing the same taxes, per 1 Platinum Pieces of value.  If the region's government determines the total value of homes and properties is 600 Platinum Pieces, and it needs 23 Platinum Pieces to run a year, then its regional government expects a 3% tax on all property in the region, plus the adjustments for specific areas.  Any area with a government center, school, police force, military force, firefighters, hospitals and other concerns would also need to calculate its budget in addition, adding a further tax for that specific area, calculating out the value of the properties in the areas they cover, divided by the number of homes.

Region Total Budget / Region Total Value = Region Tax Percent.

(Area Total Budget / Area Total Value) + Region Tax Percent = Area Tax Percent.

Area Tax Percent * Home Market Value = Annual Home Taxes.

Area Tax Percent * Rental Market Value = Annual Rental Taxes.  This is usually absorbed in cost by the tenants in how much they pay to rent.

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