Monday, August 19, 2013

Fungi: Ley-Teeth:

The Hydnum Medius, also known as the Ley-Teeth, is a type of fungi with a light blue stalk and cap with dark blue spots on it. It is bio-luminescent and grows underground on root systems, being especially prevalent on old roots in ley-lines and ley-line intersections, absorbing some of the ambient wild magic into themselves. They are quite edible and have a sweet, nutty and crunchy exterior with a softer fruity sponge center. Their cap is deeply depressed into a funnel shape, their underside covered in tooth-like spore-bearing structures in a decurrent fashion, and their stalk is bare of any markings, making some especially old specimens appear to be large blue glowing teeth, hence the name. They are not only known for their culinary use, but also their ambient wild magic absorption, making them quite useful for potions, rituals, or even ingested directly. One quarter pound restores focus equal to 2 FP, though after being fully digested the one who ingested it may feel especially drowsy for the first five minutes of their next waking, per quarter pound consumed, reducing wisdom and reaction checks by 5 during this period.

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