Sunday, August 25, 2013

System Mechanics: Leech Magic and Warlocks:

While the nine core character skill-set groupings or 'classes' were made, I always intended that other groupings would be added either to the core classes in the first release, or added to expansions to showcase new playstyles befitting newly available abilities and features.  One such new mechanic and class grouping for players wanting to start out in these fields is leech magic and those that cast it, warlocks.  Wild Magic pulls magical energy out of the Leyline Rifts and the center of a planet or other heavenly body when in space, being quite powerful, but more prone to backfire, backlash, or simple failure.  Focus Magic pulls magical energy out of Foci, conduits for the energy that keeps it stable, being less powerful, but also less prone to accidents or failure.  Soul Magic exchanges Favor and a small amount of FP in order to ask a higher powered being to utilize their powers to do something for the person using it, being potentially more powerful than Wild Magic, but with varying amounts of stability dependent on favor and the mood of the higher powered being.  Leech Magic, however, forcibly uses a small amount of FP in order to draw FP out of another individual or lifeform in order to add that to more potent spells.  A Warlock is a practitioner of leech magic, the name itself meaning 'promise breaker', befitting as leech magic is forced upon another being.  Even if they are aware of it and consent, it deals damage and FP loss if the Warlock succeeds.  In order to pull FP from another, the Warlock's WIL must be higher than the one they are pulling from, otherwise it backfires, dealing damage to them and feeding the small amount of FP they used in the attempt into the other being.

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