Thursday, August 22, 2013

System Mechanics: Ability Creation:

All abilities in MaL utilized a check against specific stats, time, and number of uses before further focus is needed to utilize it again.  Fighter, Caster and Strategist type characters can easily pick up abilities from a type other than their primary play style, though they still need to have the prerequisites for said ability.  Let's look at how the entries are made, and what each part means:

Ability Name (Cost for First Uses/Uses per First Use/Cost after First Use per use)(Time per use/Rounds per use)(Required Stats Minimum/Required Stats Mastered)(Ability Source/Ability Range/Ability Modifiers): Ability Description.  Prerequisites for usage.

The ability name is pretty straightforward, however, the first parenthesis may be confusing at first glance.  Some abilities in MaL give a number of uses per day at no cost, such as haggling.  However, if one continues to use them repeatedly in a day, they will find it harder to concentrate on doing them.  If an ability has the first parenthesis as (0 FP/5 Uses/1 FP), then the first five uses of the ability in a day don't cost any FP, but any additional use beyond that will use 1 FP.  Pretty simple, and for shorthand it could also be written (0/5/1).  The second parenthesis is the time per use or rounds per use.  Outside of combat, abilities last longer due to not having a split focus between using them and considering being attacked.  Some characters might have traits or abilities that extend the combat turns for abilities or lessen them, but the standard is what most characters would use.  If it was (15 Minutes/3 Turns), then out of combat it would last 15 minutes, but within combat it would be 3 turns.  This makes it relatively easy for both the pen and paper version and later computer version to coordinate how long abilities are supposed to last for balancing.  The third parenthesis is the required stats portion, listing what stats are needed to be able to use the ability at all with a high chance of diminished potency, and the mastered entry afterward for what would give the maximum potency if it lands on its target as intended.  An entry with (5 STR/15 STR) would require at least 5 strength to use the ability, and if a character had 15 strength they would always do it without decreasing the quality of work.  In the case of an ability requiring strength, it might be something along the lines of striking a tree with an axe.  An accuracy check might show that a character still missed the target tree, but if they hit it, they'd go as deep as possible in a blow, knowing how to properly put their strength behind the axe.  The final parenthesis is for the ability source, range, and modifiers.  The first would differentiate between a natural physical ability, augmented physical ability, wild magic ability, soul magic ability, focus magic ability, leech magic ability (more on that another time), psionic ability, or other source of power.  Scientific abilities are considered natural physical abilities unless they require more than a natural representation of a species can do, such as augmentation and the like.  The range is the extension of the characters natural reach that this ability provides.  Ranged magic with 3 range and the character having a Natural Range of 2 would put the 100% potency at 5 movement blocks, with it diminishing at further distances by 25% per additional movement block.  The targeting ability modifiers we've covered already, but additionally any elemental, physics or other modifier that may cause extra damage to a target or other effect would be listed there as well.  An entry with (Wild Magic/5 Range/Beam, Fire) would be an ability that uses wild magic as the source of its casting, extending the character's natural range by 5 movement squares, and would be a beam targeting type with a fire modifier, causing extra damage to targets that are injured by fire.  Next we have the ability description, which is simple enough, and finally the prerequisites needed to gain and use the ability.  These would include other abilities in the tree branch of abilities one took to get it, as well as any knowledge or item required to be able to use it.


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