Sunday, August 11, 2013

System Mechanics: Time Management:

MaL utilizes differences between day cycles and night cycles like some other games and even further between morning, midday, evening and night, and individual hours.  Each planet has its own potential set of species that react to these cycles differently, most doing the majority of their outdoor work during the morning and evening hours.  However, no area is ever completely devoid of activity during any of these cycles.  As a result, some things are more efficiently done during one than another, such as watering plants in the morning, hunting animals at night if a character can see well enough, stealing during the middle of the night, pickpocketing during the middle of the midday due to the large crowds, and other such examples.  Time management ties directly into this, as certain individual characters in the game may be unavailable to purchase goods from or train under due to their own patterns through the different cycles.  As a player gets to know a character or asks around, they'll easily see if a character is more predictable or more liberated from constant schedules, and therefore more easily able to work out when to contact them if desired or needed.  This also applies to when certain animals might be found, or different industries as a whole in different area.  The more efficient a player is with such coordination, the better their time management is.  Unlike real life, MaL does have different abilities and items which may aid in such things, manipulating the flow of time, crossing space in a short period, probing the minds of others, and other examples.

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