Friday, August 23, 2013

System Mechanics: Training Titles:

In MaL there are different types of professions and other skill-set related opportunities, and there are varying opinions on them by different characters.  One thing mostly consistent, however, is that a certain title indicates a level of training being reached in a skill-set or profession, but not always the specifics of what the training includes to those not of that line of training.  One character might claim that they're higher or lower in their training than they are for various reasons and if successful potentially bluff someone into underestimating or overestimating them.  Below are the different levels and meaning.

Dabbler:  One who has started to practice and experiment on their own, having no formal training.  This is the lowest level of training, which most characters start at in their background, but some may begin higher, such as those apprenticed due to lineage and the like.

Apprentice:  One who has just started to learn under a higher trained individual in their field of study.

Sojourn:  One who has learned 50% of their particular field.  A fire acolyte, for example, would have learned half of the spells related to soul-fueled fire magic at least.

Exemplar:  One who has learned 75% of their particular field.  A huntsman studying a martial art might have learned three-fourths of their school's training.  Martial Arts may also have other alternative titles such as Belt Color or Colored Animals or the like.

Master:  One who has learned all of their particular field.  A Tinkerer who has learned all about clockwork golems would have mastered that field, but not necessarily mastered fire magic, for example.

Grand:  One who has Mastered at least 4 fields of study.  A Primary Element Wizard would have mastered Fire, Air, Water and Earth Magic, but not necessarily mastered the secondary or tertiary elements or non-elemental magic.

High:  One who has Mastered at least 8 fields of study.  A Berserker who has mastered 8 different forms of weaponry schools would be a High Berserker, for example.

Arch:  One who has Mastered at least 12 fields of study.  An Arch-Psion would be one that has mastered 12 ability trees.

It is rare to find one that has mastered higher than 12 fields of study in a particular skill-set in the non-player character population, but they do exist, typically calling themselves lofty titles of their own devising without much consistency.  It is much more common to find someone who has mastered 12 fields of study in one vein of abilities and mastered some fields from others, such as an Arch-Rogue Master-Burdener, who would have mastered 12 fields of Rogue training, and only mastered 1 field of Burdener training.

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