Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fungi: Green Blessing:

Within MaL, Morchella Viride, also known as the Green Blessing, is a type of spongy mushroom with a soft but nutty flavor, bearing a green conical honeycombed cap with small pores underneath that is spotted white, and has a white stalk.  Due to the their natural habitat being either decaying matter or near the roots of extremely hearty plants, the Green Blessing is rich with nutrients in addition to its flavor, making a pound of it recover 1 HP and 1 EP, though due to its culinary value it is heavily hunted and harvested, grown in private mycology farms underground and the like.  The Gitwerg are prone to growing and eating this fungus, as are the Goblins, but the latter tends to be less apt to grow larger colonies of the delicacy as they are usually harvested and doled out to those living in the region.

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