Saturday, August 10, 2013

System Mechanics: Law Types:

Been a bit hectic lately, so posts are going to be a bit less common until things are dealt with.  That said, let's dive into the different types of laws cultures within MaL have!

Black Laws: These types of criminal laws are almost always punishable by death.  They usually include murder, terrorism, genocide, espionage, defection, being a traitor, and other crimes.

Red Laws: These types of criminal laws are are almost always punishable by long-term or lifelong imprisonment, but may have higher or lower punishments depending on intervention of an individual of power.  They usually include manslaughter, grand-scale theft or robbery, arson, assault, and other crimes.

Gold Laws: These types of civil laws are between two parties with one being of higher authority directly in charge of the life or well-being of the other.  These include examples such: 1) A Plebeian turning to a King because the Duke over them refused them protection from bandits and instead increased their taxes with no benefit to those under him.  2) A Tenant suing their Landlord because of invalid fees on moving out.  3) A Citizen suing the Police or Military for loss of one of their relatives by wrongful association with an enemy party.  Gold Laws are hard for those in lesser power to win a case unless they have substantial evidence and take it to an impartial or just higher power than those they are suing.  Many areas have standards that those in higher power must meet or face punishment by those even higher than them, such as the Duke with the King over them.  If these Gold Laws are broken by those of higher power, they can face punishment from fines and reparations to loss of title, imprisonment, or even death!  These also include other types of administrative laws.

Green Laws: These types of civil laws are between two parties of relatively equal bearing or disassociation of authority and punishable by loss of funds or property if one loses as case against them.  They usually include custody battles, slander, libel, divorce, copyright law, property disputes and the like.

Silver Laws: These types of laws are between international regulations between one nation or regional government and that of another.  They include treaties, trade agreements and other such disputes.

Blue Laws: These types of laws are rarely enforced with severe punishment and are generally the result of a religious or other moral group having convinced the government at an earlier time to enforce certain standards such as business hours, standard of dress and other moral laws.  Certain areas may have punishments such as a short period of time in jail or fines for violating them, whereas others might not enforce them on the first violation and instead give a warning.  They are by and large less known to people and therefore not something that counts against someone's criminal record unless in an area where the religion is itself the government as well.

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