Monday, April 29, 2013

Profession: Crop Farmer:

A crop farmer is a common profession in MaL, feeding the vast majority of characters within the game.  Without ample crop farmers, animal farmers are unable to feed their money-making animals to be able to sell them.  Additionally, for most species, eating animals alone does not give proper nutrients, so crops must also be ate.  This means that farmers have a lot of influence in small towns where there are fewer of them, each more concentrated on a specific crop, and less influence in larger towns where the farms are distant or even not even within the town property lines themselves.  Farming is physically and mentally tasking, but very rewarding in the long-run in terms of the gained funds, goodwill of the locals enjoying the crops grown and sold, and the labor itself being very cathartic and boosting physical traits such as strength, speed and endurance over time.

Profession:  Farmer:  Prerequisites:  Must have the basic knowledge of their profession or higher. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value and challenge of the task.  The more difficult the task, such as the inclusion of anything outside the normal type for the area, the more must be known to deal with the problem properly.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge:  Intermediate Agriculture:  Knowing how to prepare the area intended for crops, weeding, proper soil and fertilizer choices as needed, the water requirements and other associated needs for the plants being put there.

Knowledge: Basic Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, but not well enough to utilize loopholes if a mistake or intentional violation occurs.

Knowledge: Basic Local Zoology:  Knowing the basic types of animals commonly found in the area, even if not necessarily how to deal with them.  This assures that a farmer is able to try to prevent them getting into the crops.

Further basic knowledge would be additional detail on the specific crops being grown, how to deal with pests, who to trade with outside the general markets and the character's own home, and further local laws though the above knowledge covers most types of farming.

Ability: Follow Faint Tracks (1 FP Each):  Allows a player to follow faint tracks once part of said tracks are discovered via search. Will allow up to one-hundred feet of tracking per use. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This is very useful when trying to find animals and trespassers that bother your crops.

Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a trader, merchant, shopkeeper or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher, or being unable to buy or sell anything until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  Haggle is very useful in convincing your customers to pay more than they first wish, and also trying to reduce potential costs in materials needed for both their safety and yours.

Ability: Intimidate (1 FP Each):  Utilize finesse to intimidate someone into fleeing or taking a desired action.  Useful for scaring away trespassers.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This ability is often used by to find animal nests, removing weeds and other crop hindrances, and similar purposes.

Item: Barbwire (1 Silver per 6 feet):  Used to line fencing primarily to make trespassers less likely to try to climb over it.

Item: Push Cart (1 Gold per cart):  Used for transporting materials such as crops by hand when beasts of burden are unavailable for various reasons.

Item: Four-Foot-High Basic Fencing (1 Silver per 3 feet):  Used to keep out pests and trespassers.

Item: Hoe (1 Silver Each):  Used for tilling land.  Useful for farmers.

Item: Rake (1 Silver Each):  Used for clearing leaves and other small things.  Useful for farmers.
Item: Shovel (1 Silver Each):  Used for digging.  Primarily useful for farmers to carefully remove plants from one area to another for transplanting.

Item: Water-Can (1 Silver Each):  Used for watering plants when it isn't raining.

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