Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Studying, Training and Leveling:

As said before in the introductory post, MaL uses three different types of experience points, or XP as it is commonly referred to.  There is combat XP (CXP), roleplay XP (RXP), and general XP (GXP).  Combat experience is gained through any attempt at using combat related skills or abilities in a fight, survival, sparring or training situation.  Even if the attempt is a failure, there is a gain of at least one CXP, more depending on the type of ability on success.  While training, the higher the Willpower is of the individual training, the less CXP is needed to improve in a particular skill.  Once one-hundred percent is gained, it moves up to the next level of that or ability.  Once an ability is brought up by one level, a character unlocks other potential branches that have that ability as a prerequisite, being able to use focus to start training them either under someone more skilled or independently, though the effectiveness will vary due to the amount of Willpower a character has.  If a character knows how to utilize a basic jab of a sword in a standard forward one-handed manner, and wants to learn how to utilize an electrified blade, they would have to know how to use the basic jab and basic electrical safety at bare minimum.  If they came from the depths of the ocean and did not know what electricity was, they would more likely injure themselves if they attempted to use the electric blade if they didn't gain electrical safety first.  Increasing the effectiveness of combat abilities does have potential to unlock more powerful branches as well.

Roleplay XP is utilized like combat XP, except with abilities outside of combat.  The key difference being that RXP is gained at a faster rate for success than CXP, due to most having more additional steps in learning new abilities.  If a character knows how to read, for example, but not how to write, they cannot go to writing diplomatic letters without first learning how to write and diplomatic nuances.  To learn such things requires a character to study them, using focus and their Willpower score to retain the knowledge gained from studying.  As such, even on a failure at non-combat ability attempts, at least 2 RXP are gained.  Once a basic subject has been learned, additional branches unlock for studying, as well as studying further to learn more about it for better ability successes and to unlock further branches.  If a subject is learned, 5 RXP is given for unlocking abilities linked to that subject.  If a character studies a subject to mastered they gain 1 Intelligence, studying to expert gives an additional 1 Intelligence.  Certain subjects and abilities require certain other knowledge, abilities, or minimum attribute score.  CXP and RXP abilities raise from introductory knowledge and skill (except for characters that are lacking introductory and need to learn that first) to basic, to intermediate, to moderate, to advanced, to mastered, to expert.

General XP is gained in all ability use at a rate of 1 GXP minimum per ability success or higher depending on the difficulty of the test, or if it is an ability utilizing roleplay abilities in a combat, or combat abilities to some use out of combat, in which case it gains at a rate of 2 GXP minimum.  Any completed combat round also gives an additional amount of GXP scaled to the foe's difficulty.  GXP may be burned for use as if it were CXP or RXP at a rate of 10 GXP per 1 CXP or 2 RXP.  It may also be used to increase towards leveling, which allows a greater number of total abilities, unlocks further non-enhanced maximums of each statistic and attribute to be trained, increases renown, and gives a fair assessment on the skill of a character toward tasks that they may face.  GXP may also be traded in The Somnium Bleed and some other realms for access to places such as reality-crossover quests, or burned into items that utilize memories in order to operate

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