Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Species File: Cubi


Cubi are an infernal race of the life element, often thought as being unable to reproduce without aid of mating with other species, this myth is false, but rooted in a curious distorted truth. In actuality, Cubi are able to mate with their own kind, but their offspring take thirty years to mature, versus mating with other species, and maturing at a much faster rate. Cubi often mate with humans producing Cambion, as well as other species to produce different hybrids, though their genetics are very dominant. While it is possible for a pure Cubi offspring to be raised by other species, it is far more likely a hybrid will be, as pure Cubi are generally kept among their own kind to better learn how to use their natural abilities. Cubi come in four genders, each with their own name. An Incubus is a male Cubi, and they are more cunning than the other genders, but not as strong. A Succubus is a female Cubi, and they are a little stronger than an Incubus, and a little faster. A Midicubi is a hermaphrodyte Cubi, being stronger and faster than an Incubus, as well as more cunning than a Succubus, but not as charismatic. A Vancubus is without any genitalia, being stronger and more able to use focus than any other Cubi gender, but they aren't able to reproduce without magical aid, and are generally outcasts among the Cubi species. They are also less wise, and less reactive. All Cubi have genitalia colder than that of the rest of their body, which make them stand out to those able to sense heat dispersal or if they are in disguise while mating with an individual.  All Cubi are able to use some magic and psionic ability to manipulate emotions and thoughts, though some are stronger than others at it, and all are considered quite beautiful. Most Cubi make good sorcerers or psions, though many take other classes depending on their upbringing and individual attributes.

Which infernal realm Cubi originally came from has been shrouded in mystery, and they have populated most of them, as well as most of the primary realm. The most common Cubi race is the Lilu, being pale-skinned with a long slender spaded tail, horns that end in stubs coming from the forehead, black or red hair, and green or blue eyes. They are considered more beautiful and stronger than most Cubi. The Bawan Cubi are grayish green, with long and thick spiked tails along with enlarged spine ridges, large backward curving horns coming out the side of their foreheads, blond or brown hair, and red eyes. They are more savage and have more focus, but less intelligence and cunning. An Ebyonet Cubi is dark-skinned with a very short tail, short and but sharp horns coming out the side of their head pointing slightly downward, white or brown hair, and orange or green eyes. They are more intelligent than most Cubi, and have more finesse. The Jolgor Cubi have yellowed or bronzed skin, with spikes coming out of their elbows and shoulders, two tails with fat but pliable tips, horns that come from behind their ears and curve forward, blue or purple or black hair, and black or purple or blue eyes. They are more intelligent on average than any but the Ebyonet Cubi, and have better reactive response, as well as being more stealthy, but not as strong.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Cubi gender or race as your species are as follows: +3 Beauty, +1 FP, +1 on Charisma Checks, empathic manipulation ability or empathic and telepathic manipulation abilities, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. In the case of Cubi, choosing a specific gender and race comes with additional bonuses and penalties.  For any Incubus: +1 on Cunning Checks. For any Succubus: +1 STR, +1 Speed. For any Midicubi: +1 STR, +1 Speed, +1 on Cunning Checks, -1 on Charisma. For any Vancubus: +2 FP, +2 STR, -1 WIS, -1 REA. For any gender Lilu Cubi: +1 Beauty, +1 STR. For any gender Bawan Cubi: +1 FP, -1 INT, -1 on Cunning Checks, and more savage. For any gender Ebyonet Cubi: +2 INT, +1 FIN. For any gender Jolgor Cubi: +1 INT, +1 REA, +1 on Stealth Checks, -1 STR.

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