Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Species File: Naiads


Naiads are water nymphs, tied to a water source. Originally, nymphs occurred when early attempts to produce offspring with Elementals were unaided by proper understanding of genetics, leaving them vastly different from either of their parents. In the case of Naiads, an Undine and a pixie king tried to produce an heir, but in the process only created stone-like eggs that the Naiads were unable to be separated from without becoming ill or dying if kept apart for too long. The Naiads also could not turn morph into whatever species they wished, unlike their Undine mother, and could only control a small portion of the water around them, needing to keep their egg or 'lifestone' completely within water at all times. Naiads appear to be made out of amorphous liquid and are mischievous and playful like their ancestral father, but most not meaning any harm from it. Naiads reproducing with other species will produce more naiads seventy-five percent of the time, unless strong magic is used to influence their young before birth. Naiads are very difficult to be raised by other species unless their culture and needs are well known by their adoptive parents. Naiads are said to live to three hundred without rejuvenation magic, but fewer and fewer are living that long due to pollution and radiation affecting their lifestone and source of water that it is kept within. Most Naiads are female or hermaphroditic, though some rare males are born, more common in the Apocheteeses Naiad race.

Naiads have a natural inclination to wild magic, though not as strong as their ancestral mother held. They are able to react quickly, and are charismatic, but are not as able to be stealthy as their movements sound faintly of sloshing water. They are quite beautiful on average, cunning, and very intelligent. Naiads love to create complex works of beauty and use, often creating golems that are able to store their lifestone and a bit of source-water within them, so that their life is protected if they move from place to place for exploration, trade, or survival if their native home is being devastated. They fiercely guard their lifestones and water-source when they are able, and often compete with Goblins to keep their water pure, as well as to get whatever resources they can to further fortify their home and create better golems and other inventions. Naiads tend to make good Sorcerers and Tinkerers, as well as working to be other classes.

All Naiads are affected by whatever chemicals, radiation and other liquids mix with their water-source. Though this happens on an individual basis, in the case of some Naiad races that have survived and reproduced in adverse conditions, it becomes a part of their lineage.  As with other species, there are a multitude of different races, some of the more commonly known ones being listed here.  The Eleionomae Naiads have lived in swamps for generations, taking on a darker green-blue color, and a higher link to magic than most Naiads, but less speed. The Crinaea Naiads have become protectors of the culture that they live in, taking residence and putting their lifestones in wells and fountains They are stronger on average due to their pure water-source being kept away from possible seepage, and are able to hold their form more tightly, giving them better stealth. Some, however, have issues and alterations due to poisoning of the well, or chemicals and radiation leaking in from nearby. Limnades Naiads live in lakes, having more area to spread out on, they are more generous with water so long as they are able to be in control of its dolling out, generally helping create sluices and aquaducts that lead to nearby villages and cities so that they have water without setting foot near the water-source itself. As a result, they have much higher charisma and beauty, but sacrifice their reactive responses and speed by their relative lack of consistent challenge. Potameides Naiads live in rivers, moving against the current frequently in their youth, becoming faster than most Naiads, stronger and more reactive, but have less finesse and less beauty. Apocheteeses Naiads live in the underground waterways and sewers of cities, having slowly degraded over centuries of living in cities to their state, being far less beautiful, slower, less intelligent, and less able to focus, but gaining greater strength, cunning, finesse, reactive response, and endurance.  They also have a higher percentage of males than other species of Naiads.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Naiad race as your species are as follows: +2 FP, +1 REA, -1 on Stealth Checks, +1 on Cunning Checks, +1 on Charisma Checks, +1 INT, +2 Beauty, +2 on Crafting Checks, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. After selecting the Naiad species, if one selects a specific race instead of one with mixed lineage, they have further bonuses and penalties.  For a Eleionomae Naiad: +1 FP, -1 Speed. For a Crinaeae Naiad: +1 STR, +1 on Stealth Checks. For a Limnades Naiad: +2 on Charisma Checks, +2 on Beauty, -2 REA, -2 Speed. For a Potameides Naiad: +1 Speed, +1 REA, +1 STR, -1 FIN, -1 Beauty. For an Apocheteeses Naiad: -2 Beauty, -2 Speed, -2 INT, -1 FP, +3 STR, +2 on Cunning Checks, +1 FIN, +1 REA, +1 EP.

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