Saturday, April 27, 2013

Species File: Gitwerg


Gitwerg are an old species linked with the Goblins in lost ancestry, though neither species would dare even consider such a possibility, let alone admit to it. The Gitwerg, often called dwarves by humans for their short stature, are not merely short humans but another species entirely. They are very gruff and strong, not considered beautiful by most species as their craggy skin and faces exist even on the young and females. All Gitwerg grow beards, including the females, at a very young age, though the females tend to keep it trimmed short. The Gitwerg hate the wide-open sky, preferring to live in caves and underground, rotating shifts to ensure the few things they cannot grow underground are kept safe and gathered by those doing time above. Gitwerg can resist charm and charisma quite easily and are very strong, but most have little focus for magic or psionics. Due to their hard work, miner and warrior culture, most become burdeners or berserkers. While a Gitwerg can mate with other species, it is rare, and Gitwerg genes are very dominant. A Gitwerg young can be raised by parents of other species, adopted or otherwise, but they will prefer to remain either indoors or underground when possible, being far less sociable than they would when raised by their own species. All Gitwerg are very strong and enduring, as well as wise and intelligent, but not as reactive or having as much finesse. They are good with stone and metal crafting checks however. Gitwerg will often compete with Goblins for certain land and underground tunnels, but for the most part they prefer to stay away from each other rather than seek each other out.  Gitwerg have only two races, the Gitgun and the Duwerg. The Gitgun have tan or ruddy skin, red or orange or brown hair, and blue or green eyes. They mostly live close to the surface, having slightly more strength than the Duwerg. The Duwerg are more pale or gray in color, with more callouses, black or white or gray or blond hair, and black or brown eyes. They live even deeper underground for the most part, having better vision in the dark, less beauty, and less finesse, but having more endurance, more focus, and more reactive response.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Gitwerg race as your species are as follows: -1 Beauty, -1 FP, +2 resistance to Charm Checks, +3 STR, +2 EP, +1 INT, +1 WIS, -2 REA, -1 FIN, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For any Gitgun: +1 STR. For any Duwerg: -1 Beauty, -1 FIN, +1 EP, +1 FP, +1 REA.

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