Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Species File: Pixies


Pixies are small fey, ranging in height from ten inches to one-foot four-inches on average. They all have large almond eyes with long pointed ears and long eyebrows. They have wings which allow them to fly, and glamor, which lets them disguise themselves as other creatures of their size. Pixies are mischievous, enjoying a good joke, riddle or prank, though most aren't meaning any harm in it. They are very charismatic, all able to draw upon wild magic quite easily compared to humans, and more beautiful than most races. Due to their small size, they are able to fly faster than even Draconis Dragon-Kin over short or long distances, and able to react more quickly to change their flight, but they are not able to lift very much weight, an average of five pounds, and they lose speed with every five pounds beyond that unless aided by magic. They will sometimes make mounts of birds, rabbits, frogs, mice and other small creatures, and have been known to have been the cause of some descendent species' uplifting as a gift for their services.

Pixies love nature and will do anything they can to protect it, some even dying to preserve a hidden glade or glen. While Pixies are not magically linked to plants as Dryads are to trees, they grow ill quickly from pollution and radiation. Some Pixies tried to make a bargain with the forces driving them out of their home realm, and ended up being turned into Sprites. Ever since that day, the Pixies have been at war with the Sprites, though some have tried to find a treatment or cure to aid their fallen cousins. All Pixies have magic coursing through their bones, even if not very adept at using it, and as such make great Sorcerers due to their link with wild magic. In addition, due to their small size, trickster nature, speed and relative stealth, they can also make excellent Rogues. Pixies become unable to access their magic if their skin is exposed to iron, or iron alloys, and in some this additionally causes great pain and sickness. Pixies are able to live up to five hundred years without rejuvenation, and mature at age ten. They have names based off of their culture and area born in, as well as a parental name. Pixies are difficult to raise for other races, but those who are tend to have little difficulty adapting to their adopted family's culture. Pixies typically don't have rites of passage, but if adopted they may. Pixies are born via eggs for the boys, laid under plants and affixed, and live births for the females. The difference in this way is a result of a conscious decision long ago for the Pixie species to alter their own genetics with magic, trying to make all births live, but were unable to do so as the males ended up being born too large and killing the mothers, hence a return to eggs for them.  All pixie races originated from the Fey Realm of Tirae, and when that was overrun they fled through a portal to the primary realm. Almost every Pixie race still resides where they decided to settle, mostly on small islands to isolate themselves from other species.
The Pixnix are green Pixies that live in deciduous forests near the canopy mostly, with dragon-fly wings, red or orange or blonde hair, and golden or violet eyes. Pixnix Pixies are more beautiful, faster, and have more focus than most Pixie races, but are less agile, and have less strength. They mostly belong to the Summer Court. The Buldor Pixies are orange-green Pixies that live in meadows/plains near water, with butterfly wings, brown or white hair, and blue or black eyes. They are slower than most Pixies, but are more agile, and more brave. The Buldor Pixies belong to the Summer Court. The Smodle Pixies are blue-green Pixies that live in mushrooms and underground, with cicada wings, no hair, and solid black eyes. They are more wise, and have more finesse, but have less focus and less speed. They belong to the Winter Court. The Caedwin Pixies are light gray and yellow Pixies that live in conifer forests, mostly inside the trees themselves or in nest villages in the canopy, with wasp wings, red or purple hair, and blue or black eyes. Caedwin Pixies have less sanity, more focus, more strength, less reactive responses, and more savagery. They belong to the Winter Court. Hujinde Pixies live in jungles in the understory, but off the ground mostly, with blue-purple skin, vestigal wings, black or green hair, and black or golden eyes. They have even more focus than even Pixnix Pixies, more strength, less reactive responses, no glamor, and more courage. Hujinde Pixies are Solitary Fey mostly, few belonging to either Court.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Pixie race as your species are as follows: +3 Beauty, -1 STR, +2 FP, +1 REA, +3 Speed, +2 on Charisma Checks, Flight, knowledge of their Court's language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Pixnix Pixie: +1 FP, +1 Beauty, -1 on Agility Checks, -1 STR. For a Buldor Pixie: -1 Speed, +1 on Agility Checks, +1 on Courage Checks. For a Smodle Pixie: +1 WIS, +1 FIN, -1 FP, -1 Speed. For a Caedwin Pixie: -1 SP, +1 FP, +2 STR, -1 REA, and are more savage. For a Hujinde Pixie: +2 FP, +1 STR, -1 REA, +1 on courage checks, no natural flight, and no glamour.

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