Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vilru and The Vampiric Scourge

The Vilru are an ancient race that originally grew on a tidally locked planet stuck with one side facing its star.  As the day side was too hot for anything to survive on, and the night side was generally too cold, supersonic jet streams ripped across its surface.  The heat of the surface permeated enough of the crust on the day side to warm subterranean lakes, some reaching a temperature suited for bacteria to multiply and eventually form varied life-forms.  Between the strong magic of the planet's core and that of its star the Vilru soon came to build shielded cities from which the supersonic jet streams harmlessly passed around.  The Vilru, still kept to their early biology, however, entering hibernation for extended periods as the animals of their planet replenished their numbers.  Fierce competition fostered to keep the many mouths from starving, driving them to become a warring race.  Eventually some more ambitious than the others found a way to leave their planet in search of new feeding grounds, traversing the stars.  They soon found that their bodies were unable to handle the intense radiation of most stars unshielded by their many layers of rock and the supersonic jet stream, and thus would enter long bouts of hibernation while between potential planets to harvest.  Eventually they encountered other sentient races, among them the Lunemires, and Humanity.  The Lunemires became eternal enemies of the Vilru, having a similar warrior society, but Humans seemed to be but livestock, far less able to defend themselves and far more numerous.  Humans found that the Vilru almost never came out during the day and managed to drive most of them off their planets.  However, festering in their dead planets they would create civilizations as a base of operations for feeding when the time came to once again strike...  That, and the ones left behind.  The Vilru are humanoid with obvious differences in biology, but still there were those who were blind, poor of sight, poor of judgement or otherwise unable or unwilling to betray the Vilru scouts that had stayed among them.  Thus, they brought the abomination known as vampirism to their worlds. 

The Vilru genetics are extremely virulent and thus merged with human blood through coupling and through rituals of brotherhood and other forms of ritual with ease.  The first human vampires did not burn as rapidly in sunlight as the Vilru do, and thus were able to either serve or betray their progenitors, though they found themselves unable to hibernate as the Vilru do, instead able to enter torpor if they so chose during the day to bolster their strength at night beyond that of a normal human.  They also found that doing this meant they had to drink blood to replenish the proteins found in plasma that were gone every time they entered torpor.  Most, initiated into this ritual of sleeping during the day, became addicted to the taste of blood.  Some resisted and while unable to return to what they once were, managed to live relatively normal lives so long as they didn't stay in the sun for more than a few hours at a time, unlike those who shunned it altogether.  Those able to stay out during the day for longer periods of time still fell prey to their bloodlust if they were too grievously injured but otherwise tried to keep the Vilru and day-sleeping vampires in check, forming The Council of the Crimson Rose.  To the present day, The Council of the Crimson Rose does not induct full-fledged members unless they volunteer for the transformation, and only if there is an open seat or a new expansion needed to help cover the growing population of the planets they work on.  Day-Sleeping vampires do not dream while they are in torpor, only when they choose to sleep normally, though they do regain focus during it.  As day-walking vampires do not enter torpor, they do enter a dream-state whilst asleep, which is how they first learned of other day-walking vampires on other planets, spreading The Council of the Crimson Rose to any other ones not already having something similar in place, and learning how vampirism affects different species...

Most non-sentient species simply do not have the willpower and intelligence to come back from the near-death state that vampirism induces.  Some do, but without the knowledge of how to secretly sate their thirst, most kill indiscriminately in a constant bloodlust and are put to a swift end by members of their own species or that of another.  Some other sentient species, however are also affected by the disease and change.  Goblins have their two outer-most teeth lengthen and curve downward permanently, dripping hallucinogenic paralytic venom, and their overall size increases considerably, their nails turning into claws, and their mind becoming more focused on riddles and other puzzles as it grows more muddled if it isn't regularly stimulated.  They are even worse with sunlight than human vampires, instead of slowly turning to dust, goblin vampires harden and their cells bake rapidly, becoming stone.  Most call them Trolls, and they are unable to be day-walkers but do not enter torpor, and thus some may still serve The Council of the Crimson Rose, other vampires, or live solitary lives, typically in caves or under protective shade such as bridges.  Goblins will not willingly mate with an individual that has become a Troll, but rarely will they exile them if they keep from attacking the normal Goblins and their allies.  Instead, they usually are thought of as one to pity at worst, and possibly as a good warrior for the tribe.

Felinae that become infected with vampirism turn into Rakshasa, their backs sprouting an extra set of arms which they usually conceal if trying to appear normal, and their hair turns red, black, or white depending on their genetics if it isn't already, and their eyes turn blood red.  Their speed increases, but they are rarely able to avoid entering torpor due to an increased overall metabolism, driving them to be ruthless killers if need be for their blood.  Most, however, prefer the taste of blood from livestock, and will enslave those who they deem strong enough to handle the tasks needed.  They rarely can stand having other types of vampires near them, and with their sensitive noses will try to eliminate any potential threat to their livelihood.  If they are out in the sun for too long their fur will start to fall out and their skin underneath will start to shrivel to the point of tearing off easily, and making it possible to bleed out.  Being prideful and cautious creatures, few stay out for longer than necessary unless wearing protective garments.

Pixies may temporarily become enraged when a vampire attempts to infect them, and thus spread the disease, but their high levels of magic usually cause it to burn out of their system.  The few that do succumb to it become unable to control their magic and eventually end up becoming Sprites, flickering in and out of the Fey home realm and ablaze with visible power.  The original sprites fell because they made bargains with powers beyond their ability to ever repay, becoming even more dangerous and chaotic than they already were.  Pixies that turn into Sprites from vampirism are usually those too weak-willed to fight it off and thus agree to whatever bargain is given them if another doesn't cure them.  This is, however, rare, as most Pixies live near each other and will aid one another should such an event should ever occur.

Naiads, being tied to their element of water and their lifestone, are extremely difficult to infect with vampirism.  Their water-source may be tainted by blood, but usually they will alter the currents to divert the majority away from their lifestone and clean up the mess as best as they can.  Those who have their lifestone submerged in vampiric blood for an extended period of time actively seek out any living creature near their waters and kill it, becoming highly aggressive, and though unable to control as much water as before, driving more force behind what they do control.  Due to their makeup, eventually the vampirism wears off as the disease gets boiled off, but they can be carriers during that time if one should survive their attacks and drink from their tainted waters.

Cubi infected with vampirism becomes an Oni, growing in size and sprouting four extremely long teeth, two poking up, two going down.  Their skin becomes ashen gray at first, and then depending on their emotional state fluctuates between being red-skinned and blue-skinned.

Centaurs that get infected with vampirism become emaciated, the ribcages showing clearly, their tails getting a spike in the tip, and their hooves become more pronounced in bony structure, their hands turning into claws with hoof-like bone shaped around it.  Centaur vampires are called Eqtanus, and are extremely fast.

Draconis Dragon-Kin infected with vampirism become temporarily enraged and have bursts of strength increases when hungry, but do not need to drink blood and act as carriers primarily.  Their eyes become even more sensitive to light levels, making them see better in the dark, but bright sunlight and brighter lights will cause irritation or temporary blindness.

Gitwerg can be infected with vampirism, turning into a Kowergen, becoming mischievous and able to temporarily turn invisible, but filled with a hunger to feed.  Due to having a strong sensitivity to sunlight which causes them to catch fire, they stay underground almost completely, more than normal Gitwerg, and as such will sometimes cause cave-ins once they have prey trapped, or pick them off when separated from their group.  They are not as strong as Gitwerg ordinarily, but they are extremely fast, and able to climb upside-down in tunnels and caverns, webbing forming between their arms and ribs which lets them glide short distances.

There are many myths about vampires of various types, including that of sunlight, which has already been detailed for the various types.  Holy relics are not a weakness of a vampire unless it reminds it of its past, or has been blessed specifically by a higher power.  Most by vampire-hunters have been chosen for this, but a random individual grabbing one from a temple may find it of no use unless their higher-power finds the vampire to need removal from their subjects.  Purifying potions such as those used by Acolytes do cause vampires harm specifically because they are too slow-acting to cure a vampire if it is even possible depending on the level of infection, and yet they may be powerful enough to cause damage to their foreign vampire infection which they now need to survive.  Silver doesn't harm them any more than any other material does, and it does hold their reflection, but their form is blurred a little from their active magic, and silver may disrupt their abilities used to charm other individuals, as it does with dispelling Fey spells.  They do cast shadows, but as they prefer not to go out during the day if they can avoid it, and their shadows being blurred by their magic, it is possible that some might miss them, spreading that rumor.  Garlic is just like any other strongly smelling ingredient to them, their sense of smell strongly enhanced, and as such some can't stand it, but it doesn't harm anything other than their nose.  They can enter homes uninvited, but most don't without reason as keeping that myth going due to the policies of The Council of the Crimson Rose has helped their image of being stuck to certain rules which means their prey is often surprised only moments before being slain.

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