Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Species File: Felinae


Felinae are uplifted domestic house-cats, and their ancient ancestors still roam their planet of origin as well, due to the higher birth rate and innate survival instincts of both species. While Felinae are not the first species in the universe to be uplifted, they are certainly one of the most prevalent and sociable in modern society throughout the universe. Their numbers and level of intelligence were partially why their ancestral origin species once and still does find itself as familiars to magic users, which led to their uplifting after generations upon generations of pedigrees having mutant genes activate, morphing them to their current state. Due to their nature, most Felinae are very charismatic on average, and find themselves able to work into many professions. They are, however, well suited to be Rogues and Acolytes. Felinae are very wise and quite capable of being strategic in both combat and in general. Most Felinae hold some sort of level of reverence toward non-uplifted cats and a higher power. Their reflexes, agility and balance are above average, as are their accuracy, and stealth. Most are very charismatic, and very lucky, and faster than humans. Since they had been uplifted due to a lot of exposure to magic and strange things, Felinae have a general lore and cultures that are more accepting of strangeness than many other species. While the majority of Felinae are quite sociable, some have been guarded due to grievances in their own past, or those of their ancestors. Felinae can be very independent, but most like attention and affection. Felinae are usually born as male or female, in litters of two to four, though sometimes solo or in greater numbers. They tend to raise their children until the age of six together, and separated by gender after that, the men raising the boys and the females raising the girls. Felinae aren't as guarded or prejudiced against hybrid offspring, but they do mostly breed with their own kind, and almost never do with species uplifted from species formerly antagonistic to their ancestors. If a Felinae hybrid is born, they tend to retain the Felinae speed, reflexes, balance, agility, sanity, ears and tails, but there are many who retain other traits.

Felinae usually have a name befitting cats and Felinae of legend, or other fanciful names given them by their parents. They also have a personal name chosen at their rite of passage, and sometimes another as part of their particular culture. The natural maximum age is seventy, far longer than their ancestral origin species, but their development takes longer as well now. They reach full maturity at age twelve, but are sometimes considered adult at age ten. Some have developed faster, or lived longer from intervention from a higher-power, or from magic, but this more common in lineages of acolytes and other soul-power focused family lines. Due to the raising of Felinae young separately by gender, there are often orphans who end up being raised by other species, or if they are old and wise enough to survive on their own, to develop and mature on their own. The latter of these are often more guarded about intimacy, but also more cunning and take more risks. Felinae have average lifting and carrying capacity on the whole, though some races have more than others. Many Felinae end up with scars and other disfigurements from various accidents and fights amongst their own kind or against others more powerful than them, but the vast majority have a little more beauty than average, with luxurious fur and stunning patterns in many. Most Felinae adults range from four-feet three-inches to six-feet four-inches in height, but some are as short as three-feet nine-inches and as tall as seven-feet eleven-inches. They are on average able to lift fifteen pounds unencumbered, and on average another another twenty pounds with only a slight decrease in speed.  Without human or other species forcing integrity of pedigrees due to their now sentient status, the four-score breeds were thinned down to eight Felinae races. Certain cultural traits depend on environment for variation. 

The Satvabes generally settle in the plains, badlands, or savanna areas. They have short orange-tan fur with a gray underbelly, covered in black-brown spots, a long tail with rings, upward pointing ears that are the same color as their fur, and usually green or yellow eyes.  They tend to be faster than average, even for most Felinae races, and stronger, but their memory is usually worse. They generally avoid being too close to large bodies of water, unlike the Caegan, and generally prefer flat land or to live in valleys. The Ocivon tend to live in areas near high elevation without extreme temperature drops, in low-lying mountains and the badlands. They have short light-gray fur with dark-gray spotting on their arm and shoulders, solid paws and tail-tip of medium brown, an underbelly that is yellowed or browned, large upward pointing ears the same color as the fur, facial cheek markings and top of head to shoulder-blades in sharp curved lines, a dark browning in the center of their face, a long neck, and blue or green eyes. They have even higher finesse than most Felinae, more endurance, but are not as good at learning how to focus for mental, magical and soul-power abilities.
The Caegan like to live near water and are quite independent. They have short orange fur with black and white coloring in it. They are patterned with rounded black triangles and s-shaped curves on most of their fur, though their tail is faintly banded. Their underbellies are white and orange striped and their ears black. Their spine has a ridge and branching of white to it, though it fades as it goes outward. Their eyes are usually red or blue.  They are more intelligent and wise than most Felinae, but they have less finesse. In addition to their guarded independence, the Caegan are similar to the Absoza in their wisdom in dealing with problems, and their strong desire to keep their homelands safe. The Absova have a short sandy fur, thin gaunt faces, brown-black paws and tails fading to their normal fur color, long necks and lean bodies, really long tails and striped gray underbellies. Due to their hardships, they have more wisdom and will, as well as a brave and determined mindset, but are less strong.

The Birsat live in the high mountains and colder climates. They have long white fur especially around the mane and body, gray on their forearms, white paws, a gray bushy tail, and blue or purple eyes. They tend to act a bit snobbish due to their regal lineage, but are stronger and more enduring than most Felinae. Unlike the Birsat, the Dekorg tend to live in warmer, dry climates, living a nomadic lifestyle. The Dekorg have sagging tan-sandy thin fur ticked with ebony markings on the neck and upper arms and upper legs, a shot ebony bob tail, longer hind legs than most Felinae, wide-tilted-forward ears, ebony fading to normal paws, and almond-shaped orange or red eyes.  They are faster, better balanced, have stronger reflexes and agility than most Felinae, but are less enduring. They are very cautious and quick, but have little tolerance for combat unless necessary or having experience.

The Nebolye were one of the first Felinae races to create a society. They have dark-gray long fur that is especially long around the back, a few yellow-brown chest tufts in the middle of the gray, a long busy black tail, black ruffle markings, and green or yellow eyes.  They are more beautiful than most Felinae races, more charismatic, but not as wise. They are vain, but not snobbish, trying to help others look better, but they obsess about self appearance. The Hagilux Felinae also live near them usually. They have light gray-blue medium fur with dark brown-black spots and curved patterning, long tails with a bushy end, a neck mane and chest tuft, and yellow or blue eyes. They are very tall compared to other Felinae, as well as being stronger and luckier, but they don't move much faster if they try to run long distances. They tend to be mostly silent unless they need to speak.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Felinae race as your species are as follows: +1 REA, +1 FIN, +1 Speed, +1 WIS, +1 Luck, +1 SP, +1 Beauty, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Satvabes Felinae, +1 Speed, +1 STR, -1 Memory Checks. For an Ocivon Felinae, +1 FIN, +1 EP, -1 FP. For Caegan Felinae: +1 INT, +1 WIS, -1 FIN. For Absoza Felinae -1 STR, +1WIS, +1WIL. For Birsat Felinae: +1 STR, +1 EP, -1 Charisma Checks For Dekorg Felinae: +1 Speed, +1 REA, -1 EP. For Neboyle Felinae: +1 to Charisma Checks, +1 to Beauty, -1 WIS. For Hagilux: +6 inches height, +1 STR, no 'if running' bonus, +1 LP.

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