Thursday, April 11, 2013

Technology, Magic and Pollution:

As I said in the introductory post, MaL is going to be designed to allow technology, magic and pollution in varying levels to exist and affect gameplay.  Each region has its own levels of each.  Some locations within reactions such as towns flooded with an oil spill will have affected levels above or under the normal amount for the region.  Additionally, specific places may be even further altered, such as the source of the spill being denser than the rest of the town.  In MaL, Technology, Magic and Pollution greatly affect one another.

Magic may come from many different foci (materials that store magical energy), but ultimately its source is the core of great gravitational sources, such as the center of planets, asteroids, stars and other celestial bodies.  Some rifts in a planet may be less dense in dampening materials than others, allowing more magical energy to leak out in these Leylines, which do alter at times due to tetonic shifts and the effects of varying sentient species on their environment.  Magical energy surges forth, pulsing, filling Foci and releasing magical energy to the surface, where, unbidden by other materials, it drifts off into the upper atmosphere or space.  These magical pulses carry a mild electronic pulse as well, making circuitry unreliable in areas of higher magical pulsing.  Depending on their advanced design, some higher technologies may be immune to electromagnetic pulses, and therefore still function as intended.  Pollution in the form of radiation, heat, and unnatural chemicals, may disrupt these rifts and foci near them, as they can cause the magical energy pulses to be diverted to the side, even to the extent of miles in some cases. Pollution may also cause mutations in the local flora and fauna. Technology of advanced enough design may operate without pumping its pollution, if it has any, into the environment, in which case magical energy would not be diverted.  It may also be not advanced enough to divert it, or just enough to weaken it. As focusing magical energy requires concentration, pollution may also cause issues with that concentration, so even if it is still pulsing, in a smog-filled city those who have difficulty concentrating their focus may find themselves unable to cast magic there. There are multiple levels of different technology, magical energy, and pollution.

Magic Levels:
  1. Magic is mostly nullified as nearby foci draw it in faster than most casting. Must be level 4 or higher to have even level 0 spells function, scale upwards from there.
  2. Magic is partially nullified as nearby foci draw it in faster than most casting. Must be level 2 or higher to have even level 0 spells function, scale upwards from there.
  3. Magic is not accessible except from foci on one's person or within short range. Foci do not recharge here.
  4. Magic trickles slowly, allowing level 0 and level 1 spells without foci if possible, as well as allowing foci to slowly recharge (1/2 normal recharge rate).
  5. Magic flows, allowing level 2-6 spells without foci if possible, as well as foci to recharge moderately (normal recharge rate). The Magic Pulse may wipe out some sensitive electronic devices if not properly shielded.
  6. Magic surges, allowing level 7-12 spells without foci if possible, as well as foci to recharge quickly (1/3 faster recharge rate).
  7. Magic saturates the area, allowing level 13-26 spells without foci if possible, as well as foci to recharge potentially to dangerous levels (doubles recharge rate). The Magic Pulse will wipe out most unprotected electronics.
  8. Magic charges the area, allowing any level spell without foci if possible, as well as foci to recharge potentially to dangerous levels (quadruples recharge rate). Magical mutations occur if not protected. The Magic Pulse will wipe out any unprotected electronics.
Technology Levels:
  1. Stone Age. Does not hinder magic. Rarely causes pollution.
  2. Medieval Age. Does not hinder magic. May cause low-level pollution.
  3. Renaissance Age. Does not hinder magic. May cause low-level pollution.
  4. Industrial Age. Moderately hinders magic. May cause moderate pollution. May be affected by Magic Pulse.
  5. Modern Age. Severely hinders magic. May cause strong pollution. Strongly affected by Magic Pulse. Slow interstellar travel, fission, computers, etc.
  6. Advanced Age I. Massively hinders magic. May cause severe pollution. Moderately affected by Magic Pulse. Technology here is fusion, nanites, cybernetics and other advanced technology, perhaps medium interstellar travel, etc.
  7. Advanced Age II. Moderately hinders magic. May cause moderate pollution. Rarely affected by Magic Pulse. Technology here is planetary weather alteration, power-grids (collecting solar, geothermal, wind, water and other forms) that span the area. Travel is intergalactic, though slow. Possibly hovercars, etc.
  8. Advanced Age III. Rarely hinders magic. Rarely causes pollution. No AAIII Technology is affected by Magic Pulse. Technology is harnessing the power of the sun directly, medium intergalactic travel, potential one-way temporal or alternate reality travel, etc.
  9. Advanced Age IV. Only hinders magic if intentional. Almost never causes pollution. No AAIV Technology is affected by Magic Pulse. Technology is harnessing the power of the galaxy, intergalactic travel is nearly instantaneous, temporal and alternate reality travel is multiple unless hindered.
Pollution Levels: (Air, Light, Noise, oil/Water, Radioactive, Thermal)
  1. No air, soil, water, or thermal Pollution beyond that caused by normal animal and plant interaction with their environment. Methane and other pollution in small amounts may exist, but not enough to be of worry. Noise is occasional, but natural. Radiation is barely registered. Light pollution is noticeable from a distance as torchlight perhaps, but not enough to keep one awake. No magic or technologies are limited here until they raise the pollution level too high, or are naturally limited by other reasons.
  2. Air, soil and water Pollution in this area is enough to cause nausea and/or coughing. This may be smoke, toxins in water and food in small amounts, etc. Thermal and light pollution is minute, perhaps bonfires and the like, though not terrible. Radiation is perhaps a little higher, but not enough to even cause sickness by itself. Noise is the sounds of basic tools being used frequently.
  3. Air and water Pollution in this area is enough to cause vomiting and/or asphyxiation. This may be smoke and toxins in the water. Soil pollution may have chemicals decreasing or increasing plant and animal growth, and potentially vomiting from eating some too tainted. Noise may be basic machinery going full-tilt constantly as in a waterwheel, windmill etc. Light and thermal pollution may be enough to make the air indoors warm, and prevent some people from sleeping without shades on their windows due to lampposts and the like.
  4. Pollution in this area is enough to cause an increase in childbirth problems and miscarriages. Air may cause asphyxiation, lung cancer and the like. Water may cause vomiting, nausea, and viral and bacterial illness of varying types and degrees if not filtered, in addition to toxins.  Soil has difficulty growing all but the heartiest of plants able to tolerate the pollution.  Light and thermal pollution may constantly require energy expended to keep cool and methods to prevent temporary blindness in the forms of shaded eye-wear.  Radiation may be a constant threat necessitating continued use of medicine or other means to heal from the damaging effects.
  5. Pollution in this area is enough to cause an increase in mutations prior to childbirth and miscarriages, as well as all prior effects, and may also cause any of the following:  potential for biological outbreaks and epidemics, water that is impossible to filter or drink for most species, air that requires constant filtration which only slows damage but not stopping it entirely due to saturation and need to change filters regularly, soil is unable to grow vegetation of edible means, light and heat may create an underground society separation to get away from the damaging effects or mass exodus, radiation may be beyond the ability for most methods to prevent damage.
Now, as one can see, there are different levels and different listed possibilities for each of the three level-types and their varying scales.  A Game Master or the computer game engine's generation processes can decide how many of the different details to include or exclude, but on average more than one effect occurs per level increase.  Now, this is all well and good, but how do these three scaled levels affect gameplay?  Let's go back to the heroic hobo example from the introductory post.

For this example, the GM says that the area under the bridge is above a leyline that sets the natural magic rate at level 5, the technological advances of the city surrounding the bridge is at a level 5 as well putting it at modern technology, and the pollution is at a level 3.  The pollution pushes the magic down enough that while it still flows at a level 5 across the city, many find it harder to use and many foci just keep filling up with magical energy as they aren't being drained very fast.  This makes it so those who do know how to properly use magic be able to hoard foci for greater control, as the overall average magic usage is lower than normal, especially for advanced magic.  The technology allows cars, computers and other modern conveniences, but magic users and scientists are at odds with one another, scientists constantly trying to invent ways to make the power of magic less controlling over the lives of the average citizens.  The need for protection against magical surges raises the cost of technologies using computer processors, and also increases the backlash against the need for such technologies, multiple purely mechanical methods of fulfilling their uses being created.  Cars are less and less found to be controlled by computer chips and more and more throwback models surface except for those able to afford more luxurious models.  As a result, cars on average are less efficient, producing more fumes which increase chances of smog, as well as making regular maintenance times increase, boosting that field and many similar economically.  With the decrease of computer usage on a whole for homes, communication relies mostly on telephones and telephone operators as protected computer control is cost preventative, especially with mages strong-arming businesses so they keep a high level of influence.  This all boils down to an increased amount of waste product as the cost of replacement skyrockets due to production line speed with limited automation in industry, and without enough parts for older models to repair from due to overproduction, many products may end up being jury-rigged temporarily or thrown out if a new product is available at a lower cost than maintaining the older model.  Landfills get scavenged by those who jury-rig items for themselves and others, as well as being taken by those who would sell it to others attached to their older technology.  Enter the heroic hobo.  He was a very good scavenger and knew a little magic, as well as being able to recognize some smaller foci.  When the troll under the bridge grew too greedy and ate one of his fellow transients, he utilized the technology he found to make a sword hild which combined with the most powerful foci he found let him use a blade of pure fire to take down the troll.  The villain who grew jealous of him, on the other hand, met with one of the underlings of a more powerful mage to offer his fealty in return for driving off the hero and control of the area under the bridge.  He got a ring of dominion which he used to control the troll's relatives after they arrived for vengeance, letting him start to expand his territory slowly.  By the time the hero returns from his exile, he may find the villain is in charge of several blocks, if not the entire city...  But he is still only a peon of the greater threats.  Perhaps after defeating his rival, the heroic hobo starts a revolution?  All of this comes from extrapolation of the different levels of magic, technology and pollution.

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