Friday, April 26, 2013

Profession: Shopkeeper

Another profession in MaL common for individuals that have their own property is that of the shopkeeper.  Residents who have their own goods to sell, or space to display and sell goods for others can become shopkeepers and make a hefty profit.  The varying levels of quality in merchandise, economic fluctuations, supply and demand can vastly affect how well risky such business ventures are.  Any that own property such as intended for having a store need to have staff to work it, which costs an initial investment if there is not relatives to work alongside, as well as the strong need for knowledge of the laws of the city the shop resides in.  There may be health issues to deal with, magical warding and technological traps needed to secure inventory to prevent burglary when the shop is closed and potentially to stop shoplifting while it is open.

Profession:  Shopkeeper:  Prerequisites:  Must have a building or other small shop to sell wares inMust have the basic knowledge of their profession or higher. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value, supply, demand and skill of the individual and their staff.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge:  Intermediate Finance:  Knowing how to save funds and avoid the most basic of scams.  Knowing how to setup a basic bank account and costs, and knowledge of the market rate for popular items.

Knowledge: Intermediate Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, and well enough to utilize loopholes in the event a patron is injured or other events occur as a result of business and security of the business and its assets.
Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a supplier or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to have a customer pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher on your costs, or being unable to buy or sell anything from a supplier or to a customer until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.

Ability: Intimidate (1 FP Each):  Utilize finesse to intimidate someone into fleeing or taking a desired action.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This is used when taking inventory stock and noticing when something has gone missing.

Items needed are as per the particular type of shop being opened, cultural and regional popularity of items, taboos and socially acceptable transactions of the culture.

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