Saturday, April 27, 2013

Profession: Trapper

Trappers are individuals that lay down traps and snares for animals in order to catch them alive or dead for the purposes of food, taxidermy, or selling parts of the corpses for profit such as fur for clothing and the like.  The more skilled a trapper is, the better they will be able to capture more difficult prey.  Depending on local regulations and laws, a trapper might be able to leave their traps up year round and sell what they find after finding something when they do their rounds.

Profession:  Trapper:  Prerequisites:  Must have the basic knowledge of their profession or higher. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value and challenge of the task.  The more difficult the task, such as the inclusion of anything outside the normal type for the area, the more must be known to deal with the problem properly.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge: Basic Rodentia:  Knowing the basics of biology of Rodents.  In regard to this profession, primarily this knowledge is useful for beavers, rabbits and hares and the like.

Knowledge: Basic Ursidae:  Knowing the basics of biology of Bears and other Ursines.

Knowledge: Basic Serpentes:  Knowing the basics of biology of Snakes. 
Knowledge: Basic Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, but not well enough to utilize loopholes if a mistake or intentional violation occurs.

Further basic knowledge would depend on the type of animal being trapped, and improving knowledge for specific animals over their general family.

Trait: Animal Affinity:  A character with this trait was either born with, or gained an affinity for dealing with animals in general.  Requires knowledge of type of animal or types of animals that a character has an affinity for.  This unlocks the ability Speak to Animals.

Trait: Animal Totem:  A character that has a link to a particular type of animal due to their belief systemThis unlocks the ability Speak to Animals.

Trait: Magic in the Blood:  Sorcerers have this trait and are thus able to use Speak to Animals on any animal species they encounter, regardless of knowledge of them.

Trait: Mind over Matter:   A character with this trait has psionic abilities.  This unlocks the ability Speak to Animals, and other basic psionic traits that a character has honed.

Ability: Conceal (1FP Each):  While stationary, hide from normal vision for five minutes by minor wild magic use. No prerequisite abilities. No required equipment for Rogues or Sorcerers.  Others need either appropriate camouflage materials or components for this spell local to the area.  Very useful for this profession so that animals using normal sight don't see the character, but be wary of scent and other means of detection.

Ability: Follow Faint Tracks (1 FP Each):  Allows a player to follow faint tracks once part of said tracks are discovered via search. Will allow up to one-hundred feet of tracking per use. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This is very useful when trying to track down animals as part of the profession.

Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a trader, merchant, shopkeeper or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher, or being unable to buy or sell anything until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  Haggle is very useful in convincing your employers to pay more than they first wish, and also trying to reduce potential costs in materials from shops and the like.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This ability is often used by Pest Control professionals to spot hidden nests and the like if there are no tracks visible.

Ability: Speak to Animals (2 FP Each): Allows speaking with an animal species for an hour per use, one species per use. No prerequisite abilities and equipment.  Requires Animal Affinity, Animal Totem, Magic in the Blood, Mind over Matter, or other animal-linking trait.

Item: Basic Animal Poisons (1 Silver Each):  A mixture of different poisons used to kill small animals that do not have a resistance to traditional poisons.

Item: Basic Antitoxin (1 Silver Each):  Antitoxin used to fight off the potential effects of animal toxins such as snake and spider venom.

Item: Basic Medium Cage (2 Silver Each):  Used for holding an animal of medium size.

Item: Basic Medium Trap (2 Silver Each):  Used for trapping medium animals.

Item: Basic Small Trap (1 Silver Each):  Used for trapping small animals.

Item: Basic Small Cage (1 Silver Each):  Used for holding an animal of small size.

Item: Basic Small Snare (20 Copper Each):  Used for snaring animals of small size.

Item: Basic Padding (1 Silver):  Used to protect against small and moderate bites while still giving maneuverability.

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