Monday, April 29, 2013

Species File: Goblins


Goblins are an old species that mostly live on or under flat plains, and along cliffsides. The races are in varying shades of green, sandy and brown, and have long ears and long noses, but all are considered by most species to be more ugly than beautiful on the average. They are clever and crafty, able to endure a lot of abuse and strong. They aren't as wise as most species, but they are very cunning and are intelligent enough to make basic technology and some complex machines. While not being able to react as quickly as most species, they do have a fair amount of finesse despite their clumsy-looking hands. Goblins tend to make good Burdeners or Tinkerers, and the majority live in small tribes or villages. Goblins have a very basic language of grunts and words, as well as most knowing a heavily accented dialect of whatever culture they live within or closest to that is not their own. Goblins can live for sixty years on average without rejuvenation, and mature within six years, though they are generally not considered adults until they pass a rite of passage. Goblins originally came from the Fey Realm of Tirae, though few remained close to Pixies and most other Fey due to different lifestyles and culture. Goblins rarely are raised by other races, but when they are they end up trailing dirt and grime everywhere, and can only rarely be brought up to prevent this species trait. Goblins have live birth, and rub dirt on the infants as soon as possible to expose them to various bacteria that improve their immune systems. Goblins need stone and metals for a vast majority of their works, but also water for drinking, tending their crops and other supplies. This often puts them in conflict with Naiads who seek the same resources, and want to prevent the water from being tainted intentionally or accidentally from Goblins and other creatures.

The Koyette Goblins are a rust-brown color with thick skin, black or no hair, and gray eyes. They are more intelligent than most Goblins, and better able to use focus, but are slower and even slower to react. The Hibnuk Goblins are almost emerald green in color, have dark green or black or brown or violet hair, and gray or blue or red or orange eyes. They are more savage, and stronger, but not as intelligent and even less wise. The Bowen Goblins are sandy-colored, with blond or red or black hair, blue or green or orange eyes. They are more beautiful by far, and able to use focus, but have less endurance and less speed.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Goblin race as your species are as follows: +2 EP, +1 STR, -1 REA, -1 WIS, +1 INT, +1 FIN, +2 on Cunning Checks, +1 on Crafting Checks, -1 Beauty, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Koyette Goblin: +1 INT, +1 FP, -1 Speed, -1 REA. For a Hibnuk Goblin: +1 STR, -1 INT, -1 WIS, more savage. For a Bowen Goblin: +2 Beauty, +1 FP, -1 EP, -1 Speed.

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