Saturday, April 27, 2013

Species File: Kenthri


Kenthri are an ancient race of warriors, having been created on millenia ago by a mixture of horse breeding in magically saturated areas, and intentional transformational spells cast by their owners to make the mutations more stable. As a result of this happening over centuries, the Kenthri have gained sentience, though never lost their wild spirit. Kenthri are a strong and enduring noble race, making good warriors and quite capable of carrying a great deal of weight, items or even other characters if their ego isn't too high, making them quite valuable to players who choose that race for their own. They usually are huntsmen or burdeners, but can be other classes as well. Kenthri are able to hold up to one-hundred pounds unencumbered, and an additional thirty pounds even with a strength of zero on average while only losing a little speed. They aren't as agile or able to react, however, and can't use magic as well as most other races.

Kenthri are able to live up to seventy years without rejuvenation and mature at age fifteen. Kenthri have names given at birth, as well as one chosen at succeeding in their rite of passage, when they are recognized as an adult. Kenthri are able to be raised by other races, though their innate desire for open spaces, room to run and freedom is rarely lessened. Kenthri give live births, usually just one or two at a time.

The Audbin Kenthri are dark-skinned with dark-hides, black or brown hair, and brown or violet eyes. They are stronger than most Kenthri, but slower, and not as charismatic.  The Pilde Kenthri are painted-hide and reddened skin, with brown or gray hair, with blue or black or hazel or gray eyes. They are faster than most Kenthri, and more accurate but don't have as much finesse or reasoning. They live in plains mostly. They Celdren Kenthri are light skinned with light gray or white hide, blonde or red or brown or black hair, and blue or green or hazel or brown eyes. They can use focus a little better, but aren't as fast, and aren't as beautiful. The Merwan Kenthri are lightly yellow skinned with brown hides, black or brown hair, and brown or black eyes. They are more intelligent and wise, but not as strong or fast.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Kenthri race as your species are as follows: +2 Speed, +1 STR, +2 EP -1 REA, -1 FP, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Audbin Kenthri: +1 STR, -1 Speed, -1 on Charisma Checks. For a Pilde Kenthri: +1 Speed, +1 on Accuracy Checks, -1 Finesse, -1 on Reasoning Checks. For a Celdren Kenthri: +1 FP, -1 Speed, -1 Beauty. For a Merwan Kenthri: +1 INT, +1 WIS, -1 STR, -1 Speed.

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