Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Profession: Landlord

While there are many different ways to earn funds in MaL, including quests, the least dangerous of them typically are professions.  Of the multitude, being a Landlord has the potential to be very lucrative to those sojourners who are away from hearth and home for long periods at a time, but still have a place to return to afterward.  If a character owns property and a building on it, they may rent it out depending on the local city regulations.  When the character returns from their journeys, they can find their funds have increased from their lodgers and stay in a room all their own or separate from that building.  It might seem an easy enough task, but depending on the quality of the rooms for rent and amount of potential income from them, the number of skills becomes more complex.  If a landlord does not have all of the knowledge and abilities listed below, they will have to pay other professionals to do them on an as-needed basis, or have a full-time caretaker to pay as well as give them free rent.

Profession:  Landlord:  Prerequisites:  Must own property that is able to be rented out according to city regulations if there are any, or risk potential legal complications. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value and the like alter over time.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge: Basic Carpentry Repair.  Knowing how to use basic carpentry supplies for make-do repairs, but not enough to create new works without reference.

Knowledge:  Basic Finance:  Knowing how to save funds and avoid the most basic of scams.  Knowing how to setup a basic bank account and costs.

Knowledge: Basic Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, but not well enough to utilize loopholes if a mistake or intentional violation occurs.

Knowledge: Basic Plumbing Repair:  Knowledge of how plumbing works essentially.  Not able to craft pipes and other plumbing materials from this alone, but able to recognize what parts are needed and how to stop leaks.  No prerequisite abilities, knowledge or equipment needed.

Ability: General Home Repair (1 FP Each): A check to see if you are able to make general non-specialized home repairs.  No prerequisite abilities.  Requires appropriate tools for the repair being done, and additional knowledge on type of repair being done.

Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a trader, merchant, shopkeeper or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher, or being unable to buy or sell anything until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  Haggle is very useful in convincing your lodgers to pay more than they first wish, and also trying to reduce potential costs in repairs and the like.

Ability: Intimidate (1 FP Each):  Utilize finesse to intimidate someone into fleeing or taking a desired action.  Useful for landlords ensuring those evicted stay out, and current lodgers pay on time.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This ability is often used by landlord professionals to see if anything was left behind by previous lodgers or note damages and the like to charge lodgers.

Item:  Basic Carpentry Set (1 Silver Each):  A basic hammer, saw, screwdriver, screws and nails that are used to many general home repairs. 

Item: Basic Plumbing Repair Kit (2 Silver Each):  A basic plumbing repair kit including the appropriate parts to repair one sink or one toilet.

Item: Basic Wrench Set (9 Silver Each):  A set of different wrenches, including crescent, monkey and assorted socket wrench pieces.

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