Friday, April 26, 2013

Species File: Draconis Dragon-Kin

Draconis Dragon-Kin:

Draconis Dragons tend to live in areas of high magic, but some have a tendency to roost and lay their eggs in areas that do not, as per their culture or personal views toward ensuring their offspring have to rise through challenges to be worthy of growing up.  The more magic an area has, the faster they will grow.  As a result, some Draconis Dragons will end up mating with humans or other species while still compatible, producing Draconis Dragon-Kin.  Some Draconis Dragon-Kin are still born this way, but most are descended from those originally born in that fashion.  Winged like their Draconis Dragon ancestors, Draconis Dragon-Kin are strong, fierce and powerful, typically having an elemental breat attack, though not for as long a distance as their ancestors due to their smaller lungs and overall frame.  Draconis Dragon-Kin on average have at least as much focus as humans, sometimes more depending on race. They are slow to react, aren't as agile or able to balance quickly, but once they have their sights set on a foe they can be a whirlwind of devastation. Despite their slowness, they make up for it with their strength and flight. Unfortunately for most Dragonis Dragon-Kin, regardless of their very thick scaled hide, intelligence and especially long memories, they don't have as much finesse on average due to their larger clawed hands. Most Draconis Dragon-Kin are Huntsmen or Berserkers, though a great number are archivists or of other classes and professions. It is quite rare that a Draconis Dragon-Kin will be raised by anyone other than one of their parents, as they are quite a handful, and their parents are usually quite difficult to separate from their children if they are raising them. Though Draconis Dragon-Kin have species in the same family tree as them, they are by far the most wide-spread of them, and thus the most well-known. Their scaled hide is weakest in the front, which is why they will typically wear forward-facing partial armor, as they are already slow without it. They use a little bit of wild magic to trigger their breath attacks, and as such are unable to use them in areas where pollution or radiation is too high to access the wild magic beneath the ground. A lot of Draconis Dragon-Kin are viewed as brutes and vicious savages, however they are generally more deep than that, but most choose to let others perceive them as they wish, the better to be underestimated.

The vast majority of Draconis Dragon-Kin are of at least fifty percent or more pure, as those directly resulting from a dragon and other species parent are evenly split, and the majority of those descended from such offspring mate with their own kind or those species which don't have more dominant genes. Draconis Dragon-Kin take about thirty years to fully mature, but are considered adult at sixteen, or whenever they complete their rite of passage as per their culture. Most Draconis Dragon-Kin end up dying in battle or to other powerful circumstances, but they are capable of living to two-hundred and fifty on average, or longer with magical aid. Draconis Dragon-Kin are born male and female for the most part, but if they have three or more children at once, the third has a chance of being born a hermaphrodyte. Female Draconis Dragon-Kin tend to grow pregnant up to a certain size before usually laying out one or two eggs, in which the fetuses will finish development on their own so long as it is kept warm enough, much like their Draconis Dragon ancestors. Draconis Dragon-Kin mostly eat meat, though they do round out their diet with other various food groups. Draconis Dragon-Kin usually have a name combining their ancestral parentage cultures, as well as one from their current culture. The majority of Draconis Dragon-Kin are considered to be of average beauty, and can grow anywhere from four-foot six-inches to nine-feet eleven-inches, though the average is between five-feet six-inches and six-feet eleven-inches at maturity. They are on average able to lift up to fifty pounds unencumbered, and able to lift another thirty-four with only a slight decrease in speed.

Many Draconis Dragon-Kin live in or on mountains near both of their ancestral species, trying to be a bridge between them as negotiators and allies. Some live elsewhere, depending on their race and their ancestors exploring to find a place to call home. Though there are hybrids of Draconis Dragon-Kin and other species, they are rare. There are, however, four well-known Draconis Dragon-Kin races. Their cultural traits depend on their environment and upbringing. The Draconis Dragon-Kin Aduron are usually mostly red, with their underbellies black or gray or tan, some gray scales mixed in with their red ones, moderate tail length with a rounded end, strong wings allowing them to fly for hours at a time, fire-breath attack, long horns, black hair, and yellow or green eyes. They have more focus than most other Draconis Dragon-Kin, better accuracy, even slower reactions, and less sanity due to blood-lust and other lineage genetic flaws, and are resistant to fire attacks. They are generally viewed as savage brutes. They usually live on dry mountains, around or in volcanos, or underground near lava sources. Draconis Dragon-Kin Wrende are green with blue and tan scales, their underbellies are generally gray or tan, they have long red or brown hair, short horns, a long snout and jaws, a spiked tail-club, and eyes that are red or orange or black. The Draconis Dragon-Kin Wrende are more agile, being more able to resist to damage of all sorts, even more resistant to acid and slime, and having an acid-spit attack. They are, however, less intelligent, and less strong, with smaller wings, minimizing their ability to carry as much weight while flying.

The Draconis Dragon-Kin Glacias are white, with light gray and light blue and light purple scales, with their underbellies being light gray or light purple, their horns curving outward, gray or blond hair, purple or blue eyes, with vestigal wings, and a frost-breath attack. Most Draconis Dragon-Kin Glacias live in areas of very cold temperatures. They are more intelligent and wise, and better able to use magic than even their Aduron cousins, but not able to fly but rather hover. Draconis Dragon-Kin Ventun have dark purple and gray scales, with light gray underbellies, more height and muscles, larger wings, a whip-like tail, crest of short horns, spikes along their backs, blue or white hair, and green or orange or black eyes. They mostly live in high elevated areas with plenty of flat-land. The Draconis Dragon-Kin Ventun are larger than their other cousins being a foot taller on average, stronger, faster, and more vicious when provoked, but they are less intelligent, have only more strength to their breath and not a magical quality to it, far less stealthy, and less charismatic.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Dragon-Kin Draconis race as your species are as follows: +2 STR, +1 FP, +2 EP, -1 REA, -1 FIN, +1 INT, -1 Speed, Flight, generally a knowledge of their Draconis Dragon parent's language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Draconis Dragon-Kin Aduron: +1 FP, +1 on Accuracy Checks, -1 SP, blood-lust, -1 REA, fire breath-attack, and generally viewed as a savage brute. For a Draconis Dragon-Kin Wrende: +1 EP, +1 to Agility Checks, +1 EP against acid and slime, -1 INT, -1 STR, -1 STR while flying, and an acid-spit attack. For a Draconis Dragon-Kin Glacias: +1 WIS, +1 INT, +2 FP, only able to hover instead of fly, and a frost-breath attack. For a Draconis Dragon-Kin Ventun: +1 foot height, +1 STR, +1 Speed, -1 INT, -1 to Stealth Checks, -1 to Charisma Checks, strength of lungs but no magical qualities to their breath, a whip-like tail, and are more vicious when provoked.

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