Saturday, June 22, 2013

Character Building: Yara Kren (Part 2):

Last time we started character building with the female hybrid (also known as a Cambion due to being 50% or more Cubi) named Yara Kren, covering the first sheet, minus the stat and attribute generation. Today, we'll cover the second sheet. First, the traits. Traits are particular aspects of a character's genetics, upbringing or personality that stand out. In Yara's case, let's take a look at a wonderful resource to character personality generation (link) and modify it to fit with what we've already decided last time. Due to the number of different traits to roll for, I have them and their description listed below only for what was selected.  Her non-class traits are as follows:

Tenacious: +1 to WIL, a personality that constantly pushes itself, never backing down.

Sunny Disposition: +1 to Morale Checks, always seems to find something positive in the most grim of situations.

Open-Hearted: -1 to emotional attacks, quick to emotional changes, even if she suppresses them sharply, making her more unpredictable mentally but also vulnerable.

Pessimist Outlook: +1 to Observation Checks, in contrast to how she always finds something positive about a situation, she is always noticing the negative details of a situation and only bringing up what needs to be said, weighing the rest herself.

Unscrupulous: +1 to FIN, she uses more accuracy, charisma and stealth to regularly for all manner of ill intents toward others if she deems them worthy of her expert meddling.

Controlled: +1 to Accuracy Checks, she has a steady aim and controls herself overall to achieve her goals.

Intrepid: +1 to Courage Checks, she never shies away from a fight that is worth it, regardless of the odds.

Flexible Mind: +1 to Learning Checks, +1 to REA, she is open to changing her mind if need be, as well as altering plans and adapting according to unforeseen events.

Warm: +1 to Charisma Checks, empathic and supportive of others, altruistic to those she thinks need help.

Agreeable: +1 to Charisma Checks, modest and humorous, blending into most social circles.

Engaging: +1 to Charisma Checks, talkative and a listener, entertaining and a good distraction.

Secretive: +1 to Wit Checks, deflecting inquiries about her personal life with wordplay and a skilled tongue.

Exotic: -1 to Stealth Checks, as she stands out from cultural norms and becomes a distraction when she chooses to be, and sometimes without intending to initially.

Surreal Sense of Humor: The absurdity of situations and schism between the bizarre and the expected amuses her and most often her jokes are of this nature. This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Modest Crude Monogamous Heterosexual: Yara is attracted to the opposite gender and is modest about her affections, with very little skill or experience in seduction. She doesn't seek out others when in a relationship until it ends and is selective about her partners (For the sake of roleplay, I rolled to see if she was currently in a relationship, which came back negative for her initial start, but that she had two partners in the past, over two years from the start). This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Healthy Adventurous Libido: Yara has a moderate sex drive, and very open to new experiences. This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Sexual Tastes: Bondage, Massaging, and Masochism (I rolled to see some potential ones). This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Tolerant Agnostic: She doesn't know if there are higher powers or not, having neither chosen to refuse to believe in them or accept that one or more exists, but is willing to let others freely decide for themselves. For roleplay reasons this means that from the start she would not have any religious bonuses or soul power abilities available, and would need to either find someone to introduce her to the teachings of a higher power or find one by alternate means to gain boons from one if it is desired by the player.

Snacker: Eats food constantly to satiate her cravings. This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Insomnia: One in four chance of waking up in the middle of the night and needing to go back to sleep to fully recover. Rarely sleeps easily through the entire night. May sometimes find interesting things afoot while others are sleeping, however.

Singing Voice: +1 to Singing Performance Checks, loves to sing and does regularly when in a good mood. May do well later when expanding her repertoire for sound-based abilities.

Fast-Eater: Great at eating quickly while on the go, particularly when the food is stolen, or at competitions. Primarily for roleplay reasons, may possibly add a check in the system for this specifically if interest is good.

Gambler: Enjoys gambling. This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Born Lucky: +1 LP at start.

Sweets Addiction: -1 WIL resisting sweet food. Addicted to eating sweeter food than any other kind, with low willpower raised to resist eating it. Primarily for roleplay reasons.

Claustrophobia: -1 Courage Check on enclosed spaces, as she has a fear of them.

Acrophobia: -1 Courage Check on heights, as she has a fear of them.

Phew! That's a lot of traits, isn't it? Well, yes, but there's only 20 of those which actually have a direct alteration of stats and attributes, 5 of which are negative. For every 5 traits, 2 should be negative, (Note: This is modified from when building Yara Kren originally, when it was for every 4 traits, at least 1 needs to be negative) with a maximum of 20 at start that directly affect stats and attributes, and any others are merely for roleplay reasons. Any further alterations to personality must still keep this ratio at minimum, and any that are in conflict with a current trait remove the previous trait. If the ratio is unbalanced by the addition of a constant positive trait (and not bonus from gear, weaponry or abilities), then the GM should also push forth a side-effect trait as a result, unless it benefits roleplay, such as a character working to overcome their fear of heights. But wait, she's going for a dual-class of a psion and a rogue, which means further traits. Specifically if a level 1 in either: Choosing a Rogue class gives: +2 Bonus on Stealth Checks, +2 Bonus on Alchemy Checks, +1 Bonus on Sneak Attacks, +1 on Charisma Checks. Choosing a Psion class gives: +2 Bonus on Psionic Focus, +2 Bonus on focus regain rate, bonus +1 on Psion Ability Check if wearing conductive non-toxic metal on their head, -1 if toxic metal or other toxic substance on their head, and one or two psionic abilities at start. Well, due to her splitting the difference, and already having charisma bonuses we'll adjust those and add in some negative traits:

Soft Feet: +1 to Stealth Checks when not already noticed and trying to move stealthily.

Alchemical Dabbler: +1 to Alchemy Checks. -1 on Morale check if failure results, plus other effects.

Unexpected Blows: +1 to Sneak Attacks, one free 1 FP Rogue ability.

Strong Mind: +1 to Psionic focus, one free Psionic 1 FP ability.

Focus Recovery: +1 to regain focus rate.

Psionic Conductivity: +1 on Psion Ability Check if wearing conductive non-toxic metal on their head, -1 if toxic metal or other toxic substance on their head.

Negatively to offset two of the abilities we already have two downsides, as well as the lack of the added Charisma bonus, and having the ability to only get a single 1 FP Psionic and 1 FP Rogue ability free instead of possibly getting a single 2 FP ability or two 1 FP abilities. Now then, onward!

Domiciles is a listing of the different places a character calls home which they own, rent from another, or otherwise live in when not out on adventures. Some domiciles may be small and portable like a caravan, where others may be quite large and defensible like a castle. In Yara Kren's case, we'll put that she has her own sloop called The Raven's Beak, measuring 45 feet by 20 feet with a 6 foot hold. The Raven's Beak itself would be listed as "The Raven's Beak, Docked at Obana Village Pier" as we're going to have it in the same area as the playtesting that has been going on, having just left the merchant fleet. She would also have a tent for her travels, but that would be in her gear, not a listed domicile.

The listings for Ally, Companion, Mercenary, and Mount are with their own limits per type, and with an overall limit of 7, or lower as determined by the GM. At present this seems to be a fair balance for lower players to have aid they can either hire or work alongside on specific quests, as well as pets and the like which can be taken along to assist or a mount to ride for faster travel. In Yara's case she will be new to the area, so she won't have an ally or mercenary at the start, but we'll give her Sunset who is a horse mount, and two companions, Loudmouth who is a Nosey Parrot, and Tempest who is Shifty Rat. We'll fill in more details about them later in the ally/companion/mercenary/mount sheet entries.

On her combat and roleplay knowledge, well, that would depend on her particular chosen abilities and gear usually, but may also expand outside of that. At most there should be five listed there at no more than a level III of knowledge in that area unless it is an area of high interest for their profession or culture. There should be no more than six for each, with a 12 point spread between each section for start. Some might apply to combat or roleplay, and may be slotted to either spread. Let's see... For Yara Kren we're going to put down a few things:

Art Appraisal I: Knows the general current price of fine art on the market and possible value of ones somehow located. Roleplay knowledge.

Footwork II: Knows how to keep in motion to make it easier to react and counter attacks. Combat knowledge.

Gem Appraisal I: Knows the general current price of gems on the market and possible value of ones somehow located. Roleplay knowledge.

Market Values I: Knows the general current price of common items on the market. Roleplay knowledge.

Psychology II: Knows basic psychology enough to recognize certain patterns in an individual when intentionally looking for it. Roleplay knowledge.

Sailing III: Knows how to sail a boat through moderate weather on her own. Roleplay knowledge.

Street Fighting III: Knows how to fight dirty moderately well and survive in unplanned combat when unarmed. Combat knowledge.

Swashbuckling II: Knows how to use a cutlass in battle to fair use. Combat knowledge.

Thievery IV: Knows how to steal, pick-pocket, pinch and nick things. Roleplay knowledge.

Tumble IV: Knows how to roll with a fall to avoid taking as much damage. General knowledge.

Weak Spots I: Knows at least one weak spot per species previously encountered that she survived facing that will distract it at minimum.

And with all of that covered we have the second sheet of character building all prepared.  Next time, weapons, gear, abilities and starting funds!

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