Friday, June 28, 2013

System Mechanics: Emotional Traits:

Today we're going to look at more traits, emotional ones and primary social traits. Let's dive in!  A character's most commonly seen emotion is their default mood which other characters and players will see in the game, and thus, make assumptions about them affecting gameplay.  This does not mean that they can't act counter to these assumptions while still having that emotion being the most common, but merely that they get those bonuses and reductions to every situation involving their emotional state on meeting a new character.

Default Emotional States:

Angry characters get +1 to STR, generally getting into more fights and tests proving themselves.

Ashamed characters get -1 to Morale Checks and +1 to Stealth Checks, tending to shy away from many others, moving easily to the background, making them also better at being sneaky.

Bored characters get -1 to REA as they seem to be less prone to notice attacks until after the first one lands.

Curious characters get +1 to Observation Checks as they notice more than most others.

Depressed characters get -1 toWIL, but +1 to EP as they tend to either endure a lot if they continue to be depressed regularly instead of their mood being less commonly that before adventuring.

Excitable characters get +1 to HP, being full of energy and life.

Judgmental characters get -1 to Charisma Checks, as most other characters seem find them bothersome.

Nervous characters get -1 toWIL, but +1 to REA, being less driven, but more quick to startle.

Peaceful characters get +1 to Balance Checks, tending to keep themselves calm in many matters and find their balancing center more easily than many others.

Sunny Disposition characters +1 to Morale Checks, always seems to find something positive in the most grim of situations.

Emotional Stability deals with how quick a character is to drop into their primary emotional state as well as others appropriate to their situation.

Emotional Stability:

Open-Hearted characters get -1 to emotional attacks, being quick to emotional changes.

Tempered characters get no bonus or reduction to emotional attacks, typically being at their emotional default state and not shifting easily, but not resisting changes either.

Suppressed characters get +1 to emotional attacks, being able to resist emotional changes more easily.

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