Saturday, June 29, 2013

System Mechanics: Social Traits:

There are a lot of different social differences that emotion affects in politics and other aspects of roleplay within MaL, but beyond that there are more specific personality traits that are specifically geared toward social values and related traits.  There are a multitude of them, some listed below:


Optimistic characters get -1 to Reason Checks, trying to gloss over negative aspects of a situation, person or object in order to show off its positive side, usually at the cost of seeming less reasonable to many.

Pessimistic characters +1 to Observation Checks, noticing details and picking things apart to find anything to be disappointed in.

Realist characters get +1 to SP, seeing the universe as it is much more easily.

Romantic characters get +1 to Charisma, being much more likely to get others to do what they want.


Conscientious characters get -1 to Stealth and -1 to Charisma Checks while lying.

Unscrupulous characters get +1 to FIN for all manner of ill intents toward others.


Controlled characters get +1 to Accuracy Checks having a steady aim and control overall to achieve goals.

Spontaneous characters get +1 to HP, -1 to Accuracy Checks, having more energy, but finding it hard to control themselves and their aim.


Cautious characters get +1 to REA, tending to be always looking out for danger and moving in slowly.

Intrepid characters get +1 to Courage Checks, heading head-first into battle or danger.


Flexible Mind characters get +1 to Learning Checks, +1 to REA, being open to changing their mind if need be, as well as altering plans and adapting according to unforeseen events.

Stubborn characters get -1 to Learning Checks, resisting change.

Empathic Temperment

Cold characters get -1 to Charisma, being standoffish and self-absorbed.

Warm characters get +1 to Charisma Checks being empathic and supportive of others.

Social Grace

Agreeable characters get +1 to Charisma Checks, being modest and humorous, blending into most social circles.

Bothersome characters get -1 to Charisma Checks, being arrogant, critical and haughty.

Wall-Flower characters get no Charisma Check change, but do get a +1 to Stealth.

Social Interactivity

Butterfly characters get +1 to Cunning Checks, drifting from group to group at the right moment for maximum effectiveness.

Engaging characters get +1 to Charisma Checks, being talkative and good listeners, entertaining and a good distraction.

Loner characters get +1 to Stealth, being shy and taciturn, blending into the crowd.

Social Reservations

Open characters get +1 to Memory Checks, remembering every little bit of their life worth sharing and some parts others might not care to hear regardless.

Moderate characters get a -1 to Charisma Checks, not skillfully deflecting inquiries about their life, and not really telling enough to offset their bumbled attempts to be charming.

Secretive characters get +1 to Wit Checks, deflecting inquiries about their personal life with wordplay and a skilled tongue.

Social Camouflage

Chameleon characters get +1 to Charisma Checks and +1 to Stealth Checks, blending in wherever they choose to be, as well as being charming enough to be noticed if they have a goal in mind.

Conventional characters get +1 to Stealth Checks, blending in with cultural norms, vanishing in a crowd of similar people.

Clashing characters get -1 to Charisma Checks, being standoffish to most groups, finding it very difficult to fit in with any of them, as they aren't generally doing this intentionally as with rebellious characters.

Exotic characters get -1 to Stealth Checks, standing out from cultural norms and becoming a distraction when they chooses to be, sometimes even without trying.

Rebellious characters get +1 to EP, bearing a lot of grief and pain in trying to intentionally stand out, but usually in larger groups of individuals feeling the same way.

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